Tag Archives: Diced Tasso Ham

Shrimp & Grit Balls Recipe

Shrimp and Grit Ball with Tasso Red-Eye Gravy
(AKA Southern Shrimp Arancini)

Tasso Red-Eye Gravy

1# Diced Tasso Ham

2 Shallots –peeled and small diced

2 oz chopped Garlic

2 oz Oil

Sauté on Medium heat until shallots are melted in 3 quart sauce pot


2 quart Heavy cream

2 ½ oz Instant coffee (can sub out with 3 cups brewed coffee, but reduction time doubles)

Reduce to half volume (straining Tasso mixture is optional) Hold hot and serve

Shrimp and Grit Balls

2# Rykoff Sexton White Stone Ground Grits (cooked with 50/50 heavy cream and water as

instructed on package) Place on a lined sheet pan to cool in refrigerator

2.5# White Shrimp P&D (lightly season with S&P and roast @ 350f until just under done) —-

—Refrigerate and Cut to a Medium diced size after cooled

1# Butter (very cold and small diced or Box Grate)

1# Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

1# Shredded Cheddar cheese

10oz Sour Cream

4 oz Chesapeake Bay Seasoning

½ cup Chives

¼ cup Small Diced Shallot

2 tbls. Picked and Fine chop of Thyme

Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and Combine together by hand

(working quickly and cold helps the forming process)

Setup for Triple Breading Station

2# AP flour

12 eggs whisked with 4oz water

2# Panko (more as needed)

Roll Shrimp and Grit mixture into 2oz balls (makes roughly 64 portions)

And Flour – Egg – Panko

Refrigerate until needed and Fry @ 350f until Golden brown (about 3 mins.)