Welcome to BobRedfern.com!

bobbwWe’ve gone through a complete overhaul and now reside at  BobRedfern.com (formerly broutdoormagazine.com) Things are constantly changing, updating and hopefully giving you easier access to all of the great things you see on the show. The new site will give you a chance to get inside the show, follow Bob on Twitter – @bobredfern – to see where he’s filming, and become a fan of the show on Facebook! It’s also easier that ever to comment on each show, recipe and ask Bob questions. Let us know what you think of the new site and ideas for how we can improve things around here.

4 thoughts on “Welcome to BobRedfern.com!

  1. Ernestine Dunn

    I have not found yelllow corn grits as shown on your show served with shrimp. We would love to try it. E Dunn

  2. J C Helms

    Bob we need some super help this year for the April-2012 Military Appreciation Day on the Water Tournament. I am hopeing that you might talk to Scott at Pure Fishing and get us 150 Spinning Rod and Reel Combinations for the Service Members. We want them to have their own outfits when we put them on the water. We have 150 Local Bass Fishermen voulenteers take the service members out at their expense. We just need a good sponsor to help us with the Rod and Reels ( we would drive to Columbia to pick them up). As we have in the past invitations to you to come up and visit with us during the tournament to see what we dfo for our Military Personnel. Hey help us out please – JC Helms [email protected]

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