Bob heads to Slyvester, Georgia and Southern Woods Plantation, one of the premiere South Georgia quail hunting outfitters. Bob will be joined by some special guests that have as big a passion for quail hunting as Bob does.

Bob is in Latta, South Carolina to visit with the Palmetto Quail Hunters who are dedicated to not only the sport of upland bird hunting and quail hunting but also showcasing bird dogs with field trials that they run all across the state.
Bob heads down to South Georgia to our friends at Southern Woods Plantation for some early winter quail hunting and on this week’s Sportsmen Table we feature a southern inspired tuna recipe.
Full Transcript
[Narrator] On this week’s Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine. Bob heads to south Georgia to Southern Woods Plantation for some early winter quail hunting and on this week’s Sportsman’s Table, we feature a southern inspired tuna recipe. All this and a whole lot more and it begins right now.
Gosh, it’s been a great day! Look at that, wow, lemme hold that thing. Nice! Well folks welcome to our show this week. Again we’re down at Southern Woods Plantation and I’ve got a great wing man and hey got a bunch of good guests that are gonna join me today but here on my far right over here is Kurt Newbruck. He is the Chevrolet marketing manager for the southeastern United States and I’ll tell you what, he’s got some great guests from Chevrolet with us today and Kurt, bud, it’s always good to have you as my wing man.
Hey, glad to be back this year.
Well, listen, introduce these two guys that are gonna hunt with us.
Sure, we got.
This mornin’ and tell everybody who they are.
Yeah, I got two great dealers with us here. We got Jonathan Megel from John Megel Chevrolet in Dawsonville, Georgia. And Bill Hall from South Town Chevrolet in Newnan, Georgia.
Well, listen, I tell you what, it’s always great to get Chevy dealers and you as well ’cause I don’t get a chance to do that very often to get out here and hunt but I tell you what. I’m lookin’ forward to it. The weather’s great. Dogs gonna be workin’ hard and I tell ya what, let’s go do it okay.
Gonna be a great day.
My first brace, Kurt Newbruck right here. All right, boys, come on Kurt. Get on up there. Now, folks I gotta put in a good plug for my good friend down here at Southern Woods, Newt Hughes and, oh, bird! Nicely done, Kurt, nicely done. The boys and girls say we got birds out here. Nice shot! Okay. All right, Kurt we look like we got a good point in the back here.
[Kurt] Yes we do.
[Bob] Look at that beautiful setting over there. Oh, there we go.
[Kurt] Gorgeous.
[Bob] Nice done, nicely done. Nicely, nicely done! Man, you’re even shootin’ good. You even scared the duck off the pond.
[Kurt] That’s right. Well, gotta keep up with you.
[Bob] No, no, man. Wow. Great rise there.
[Kurt] Oh, looks like we got a couple more here.
[Bob] I’m tellin’ ya, you’re on target this mornin’. That’s a good thing. Oh, take him! Almost, all right, all right. Nicely done.
[Dog Handler] Whoa, Bill, whoa.
[Bob] Get reloaded, they’re all goin’ your way now.
[Kurt] I know, well, they felt bad for me. I’m ready. There you go, Bob.
[Bob] There we go.
[Kurt] I sent one your way now.
Okay, thanks, man .
[Kurt] That was a good little covey.
[Bob] Yeah it was, nicely done, man.
It’s kinda nice when they spread out too and not all at once.
I know, I’m tellin’ ya. It’s just, it’s quail huntin’, brother.
Yeah, it’s quail huntin’.
You know it’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to get together but one of the things and folks I want you to pay attention to this because this guy is gonna talk to us later in the show about something I’m really excited about and I know you will be too and that’s the new 2020 HD Duramax Silverado.
Yeah, you know, we launched light duty trucks the year before and then now with the heavy duties, it’s a great package and lookin’ forward to talkin’ to ya about that.
Well, we’re gonna show ’em. I’ll tell you what, my ride, it’s a sweet ride.
Yeah it is.
High Country both and we’re in great country here too.
That’s right.
All right, let’s go get some more birds. All right, here we go Jonathan. I’m gonna dedicate this covey rise to a good friend and who I never met but he watches the show, this one’s for you Garland Bastrid. And it go, down. Awesome. I tell you what, they’re gettin’ up and movin’ out. Find ’em Dixie.
[Dog Handler] Whoa!
[Bob] Yep, that’s dead. Right there we’re down, finally. You know, that’s right. All right guys, so what do you think, Dixie? All right Jonathan, come on up, brother. Listen to them ducks down there in that corner. Oh my goodness. All right Dixie. There we go. All right, up and down. Great shootin’ Jonathan, man! I think you need to get reloaded on that one. You know, I know it’s hard to focus ’cause you’re a duck hunter.
Oh, I was lookin’ at those greenheads on that first shot.
I know you was . Oh my goodness. All right boys and girls. Well, look.
Will they get that one over here?
They will. All right, bud, great shootin’ now.
Thank you.
Now folks, Jonathan Megel has been down here in Southern Woods with us before but I felt it, you know, it was just appropriate to put this guy on camera because the one we’re missin’ here is his dad John and he’s actually out in Arkansas huntin’ so when hear these ducks down here, okay.
Oh, he’s thinkin’ about.
Yeah, I know.
Yeah, I’m getting excited. I don’t know whether to go for the ducks or the quail so.
Well, I tell you what, both of you guys are great. Not only Chevy dealers but great outdoorsmen and.
Well, I appreciate that. We enjoy it.
Yeah, the dealership, I know that folks, that’s a treat to come in there with all the mounts that you guys have in the showroom. You know, you and your dad just do such a great job.
Well, I appreciate it, Bob. We enjoy it and it’s our passion and it’s what we love to do so.
Well, and you’re a great shot there.
Thank you, appreciate it.
Let’s go get some more, man.
Let’s do it.
Now, I know you’re gonna be twichin’. Newt’s ready he said. All right, boys, nice point. Come on up, Bill. Don’t let the tree get ya. All right. awesome, nicely done, Bill. Nicely done. There may be some more in there, get reloaded brother.
[Dog Handler] Whoa, whoa!
You never know. There’s not just one. All right. Aw man, all right, we gotta talk about it. Folks, I gotta tell ya. What I didn’t tell ya before, this is Bill Hall’s first quail hunt, okay? Now, he’s a big outdoorsman, big deer hunter but upland birds he just never had a chance to do it and so, okay, I gotta ask ya, what do you think?
I think it was great.
I think it was great. I enjoyed it.
Listen, you did good, man. Well, tell me a little bit about, you know, your dealership is huge down in South Town and I tell ya Newnan, Georgia is the place to be man, okay?
Growin’ by leaps and bounds. Amazon’s goin’ in, three months.
2800 employees, puttin’ a stadium for minor league baseball team. That area is growin’ tremendously.
And you’re gonna have all them Chevrolets, GMC, Buick, and Cadillac.
Ready to rock and roll?
That’s right.
And now you’re a quail hunter, okay? I expect to see you out there somewhere else on the course, okay?
I will, I’ll be back.
Well, listen, there’s more coveys. Newt and the gang is gonna get us on ’em. Let’s go do it, okay.
Thank you.
All right, man.
[Narrator] Stay tuned for more quail hunting from Southern Woods Plantation. Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by these following sponsors, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, life’s just better outdoors, by Abu Garcia, Abu Garcia for life, by Browning Ammunition, Browning the best there is, by Southern Woods Plantation, offering the best in southern comfort and quail hunting and by Santee Cooper Country, discover the natural wonders of South Carolina’s great lakes.
Well folks on our second brace here at Southern Woods Plantation down in Sylvester, Georgia, well, I tell ya what, it’s just an honor and a privilege to have another couple of our Chevrolet dealers are gonna join me as my wing men this mornin’ and the first guy to my right here is Shawn Boyd out of Megel Chevrolet out of Dawsonville, Georgia and Shawn, boom.
Happy to be here. It’s been fun.
[Bob] Listen, it’s awesome, man. We’re glad you could come and I really appreciate it.
Thank you, I appreciate the invite, yeah.
And the other guest that I’ve got folks is a good friend of mine, long time friend and that is Richard Pendarvis from Pendarvis Chevrolet down in Edgefield, South Carolina. I tell you what, this guys have got more stories than any joke book that you could ever dream of, okay? He is such a pleasure to have on any trip, and you know Richard, it’s just, it’s just awesome. What do you think about huntin’ quail at Southern Woods.
I’m tellin’ ya, the weather’s perfect today. I don’t think we coulda picked a better day and bein’ here with all my buddies and you is always, it’s just a great trip and always have been.
Well, guys, I tell ya what. I think Russell Lee, not any relation to the General, but I think he’s got some quail out there for us so let’s go get ’em.
Let’s go get ’em.
All right. Don’t get me hamstrung over here, Richard. Get behind that tree.
[Russell] Nash, Nash, no!
[Bob] Beautiful point and back.
[Russell] Tell me when y’all ready.
[Bob] All right, we’re ready.
[Russell] Let’s go, gentlemen.
[Bob] Always love to see a puppy work. There we go, take ’em! There we go, nicely done, Richard, nicely done brother. Nicely done.
[Russell] Here we go. Whoa!
[Bob] I love to see that little puppy work. He’s down. Good shot. I had to wait round that dang tree.
[Russell] Good shot, Bob!
[Bob] Nicely done, Shawn, nicely done, awesome. I got one.
[Russell] Nash, Nash, no, Nash, no, whoa! No, no, Nash, tell me when y’all ready, Nash!
[Bob] That’s okay.
[Richard] Still got birds on the ground, Bob.
[Russell] Nash, no, no, Nash, no! Everybody ready?
[Bob] Yeah man.
[Russell] Here we go, we got a puppy. Hey, bird up!
[Bob] Nicely done.
[Russell] Whoa, Nash!
Hey, we got him.
Good shot.
All right. All right, ready, Shawn? There, take him! Nicely done, great shot. Awesome! Hey, I’m tellin’ ya, even Peaches is helpin’. Brother, that’s what I’m talkin’ about right there, man. Listen, it has been awesome, okay.
Had a great time.
And you guys down at Megel Chevrolet, what a mainstay. How many years you guys been down there?
We’ve been there in that location since 2004. Before we were in Dahlonega. So we moved down about nine miles outside of Georgia 400.
Well, I have to tell ya, I remember when you guys were in Dahlonega because way back when I was in college, okay, I went to U.S. Army Rangers School and that was the mountain ranger camp up there.
Yeah, that’s right.
And I remember, okay, Megel Chevrolet in Dahlonega, Georgia so.
Yeah, we do a lot with the rangers still.
Oh yeah, I, that one night on Yonah Mountain.
Oh yeah.
Comin’ down on one foot and rappel, matter of fact I hurt my heel on that thing and it still hurts me today so, but, you know you guys do a great job for the outdoorsman, for Chevrolet and I just gotta thank you guys.
Thank you, we appreciate it.
You bet man.
I’ve enjoyed it.
All right, though. Russell’s got us on some birds here.
[Shawn] There we go!
yeah, there you go, good shootin’, Richard. Nicely done, bubba, nicely done. Pond in the background, huh, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. Uh oh, wait a minute. Got one more.
[Russell] Dog out front, y’all gotta watch out for the dog out front.
[Bob] Got it? No, we’re gonna let that one go. I’d rather be safe than sorry. All right.
[Shawn] All right Bob.
[Bob] Nash has got ’em brother.
[Shawn] Take no prisoners.
[Bob] Here comes Peaches. Take him Richard! Nicely done, Richard, nicely done.
[Russell] Whoa, that’s over a bird. Whoa, whoa, Nash come here.
[Bob] Even Peach is like.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, ease up.
[Shawn] That’s a bird.
[Russell] Nash, no, Nash no!
[Bob] Even Peaches liked it.
Peaches, Peaches, no!
[Bob] Poor Peaches just can’t get no respect.
[Russell] Hey, bird out.
I just flat missed that one. Absolutely missed that one. Oh well. Gosh, you can’t get ’em all. I’m just excited about Peaches. Come here, Peach, come here, Peach.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, look at this dog. Come here, Richard, I got Peaches here, lookee here. Yeah, I know! Look at that.
Good dog. Oh boy.
She’s only what, eight months?
Yeah, look at that.
[Russell] Four months.
Four months.
You’re a pistol. Yeah, there you go. Thank you my friend, it was awesome. Now, I tell you what. For an outdoorsman, you do it all, okay? And one of the things that I wanna talk about right now is the annual dove shoot that actually your daddy, Butch, started how many years ago?
Just got through his 34th year two weeks ago.
And I hate it that we didn’t get to come. Next year, I promise you, okay? I’m gonna come, I’ll come with an umbrella, a bubble.
You gotta come early.
[Bob] A tent or whatever it is.
We’ll put you to work.
Okay. So, folks Richard is so generous to me. He handles all my Chevrolet vehicles over there in Edgefield. He takes ’em and we’re gonna talk about the latest one that he got ready for me and that’s the 2020 HD, comin’ right back here on Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine.
[Narrator] The Sportsman’s Table is brought to you by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Whether you live in South Carolina or out of state, be sure to buy South Carolina grown meats, vegetables, and fruits. Make sure your food is South Carolina certified. It’s a matter of taste.
Folks, welcome, we’re here at Deck 383 in Wacca Wache Marina at beautiful Murrells Inlet, South Carolina and I’ve got the sous chef here at Deck 383 joinin’ me today. This is Felicia Davis. She is a former student at the International Culinary Institute here in Myrtle Beach and she’s gonna cook a fish recipe for ya. This is actually one that you did before you graduated, huh?
Yes sir.
Well, good. Okay, tell me what we got today?
Today we have a pecan crusted mahi with a wild rice and an orange ginger soy reduction, all local.
Okay, Felicia, what are we gonna do here to this fish today?
We are going to pan sear it.
So I’m gonna go ahead and pick it up and get it for ya nice.
[Bob] That’s a nice cut of mahi.
[Felicia] Yes sir.
[Bob] Now, caught right here off the coast of South Carolina, right?
[Felicia] Yes sir.
[Bob] Yeah, there you go, okay, awesome. Now how long you gonna cook this for?
[Felicia] It’s about two minutes on each side.
[Bob] Okay.
[Felicia] Get it nice and golden.
[Bob] Just a nice brown, okay.
[Felicia] Yes sir.
Now once you get it cooked, are you gonna have to put it in the oven at all to finish it or is it gonna be ready to go?
You can absolutely put it in the oven if you like your fish a little bit more on the rare side, you can go ahead and take it right out of the pan and put it right there. I personally like to stick it in the oven just to get it nice and golden and fully cooked.
[Bob] Okay. Ah, yeah.
[Felicia] Nice and beautiful color.
[Bob] And look at the pecans there.
[Felicia] They add a nice little crunch to it.
[Bob] It does.
[Felicia] With that sweetness, like it’s just.
Now in order to cook this, olive oil, butter, which do you prefer?
I prefer butter, olive oil works great if you’re trying for a healthier alternative.
You can do any kind of nut with this. You don’t have to do just pecans. You can do macadamia nuts, cashews, peanuts, any nut you wanna think about, you can absolutely do it with this piece of fish.
But while that fish is renderin’ and cookin’ here, I gotta ask ya, this is your first job outta school.
Yes sir.
Down here at Deck 383.
Yes sir.
How do you like it?
I absolutely love it. There’s nothing quite like it. The owners are fantastic people. They really care about their employees and their customers. I’ve never heard anything bad about this place.
See, and every once and a while you can get out of the kitchen back there, okay, if Chef Jermaine’ll let ya and look at what you can cook over, huh?
Absolutely, we have wonderful sunsets. Great backdrops for dinners. If you wanna come in for lunch, beautiful weather, great breeze, there’s nothing quite like this place.
No there is not. All right, we about there, Felicia?
Yes sir.
Okay. You know mahi mahi is a great fish, okay, and not everybody thinks that that’s only in Hawaii.
But that thing is caught right here off the coast of South Carolina so. Okay, now what are we puttin’ this on?
So we have a wild rice here that was also locally grown.
[Felicia] But we’re just gonna place this right on top.
[Bob] Oh wow.
[Felicia] Just like that. And then I’ve got a ginger soy orange reduction here.
[Bob] Okay.
[Felicia] That we’re just gonna drizzle right on top.
[Bob] Oh great.
[Felicia] Nice and around it.
[Bob] Fantastic.
[Felicia] And there we have it.
There we go, mahi mahi over local rice right here at Deck 383. Felicia, thank you so much and congratulations on your first job here.
Thank you.
Okay, what a better place. I’d love to go to work here every day.
Yeah, there ya go. Well, folks, listen, that’s our Sportsman Table recipe from beautiful Wacca Wache Marina down here in Murrells Inlet at Deck 383 and again log on to and see what’s on the menu fresh every day and come on down to Deck 383 and join’ em for lunch, dinner, you name it. You come on down or just to have a brew. The folks down here are glad to have ya and I tell you what, you can’t miss it. We’ll see you right back here again next week on another edition of The Sportsman’s Table.
[Narrator] To find out more information on food that’s fresher and tastier, go online at Buy certified South Carolina grown products. It’s a matter of taste. Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by these following sponsors. Chevrolet, the official vehicle of Bob Refern’s Outdoor Magazine. By the South Carolina Agriculture Department, it’s a matter of taste. By Browning, Browning, the best there is. Buy Wacca Wache Marina and Deck 383, located in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. By the Old 96 District of South Carolina, come discover the unexpected wonders. And by South Carolina Embroidery and Screen Printing, your source for all your promotional product needs.
Folks, welcome back to the show. Down here at Southern Woods Plantation. Quail is king and Chevy trucks and Kurt Newbruck of the Chevy marketing manager for the southeastern region’s gonna talk to ya about, well, a truck that I’m excited about and I love drivin’ it, is my 2020 HD Duramax High Country. Kurt, man I gotta tell ya, Chevrolet has hit the target on this one.
Hey, we’re excited about this truck.
Well, tell me, you know, there’s a lotta changes in this thing, okay. Not from just the ride and the drive but there’s a lotta stuff that you guys did to it.
Yeah, I mean you can see from behind us here, we’ve got a 19 and a 20 as well but bigger and bolder truck for sure. We got a new 66 gas engine with 464 foot pounds of torque. We got the new Duramax diesel with the 10 speed Allison transmission. That’s got 910 foot pounds of torque and it’ll tow up to 35,500 pounds and it’s made to work. You can see trailering mirrors are standard on all trims so it’s ready to do the job.
Well, and you know one of the great things about it, you gotta tell everybody about the camera system, okay? ‘Cause that is just, that is a great piece of addition.
Yeah, that advanced trailing technology, it’s got eight cameras and 15 views so hopefully you’ve seen the ads on TV but it does a great job and a lotta safety involved with that as well.
Well, you guys have outdone yourselves. I’ve enjoyed havin’ you guys down here behind these bird dogs, okay. It’s always a pleasure to hunt with ya and, you know, I just can’t thank Chevrolet and all you guys so much for what you do and the dealers, okay? Show casin’ the dealers on the show today. It was great to get them out. It’s, you know, they do and they love the outdoors, just like you.
They do and Chevy trucks is there every step of the way and we’re proud to be a partner.
Well, folks, I tell you what. That’s our show from Southern Woods down here. Got a question I’m gonna ask you before we go, what’s in your garage? If it’s not a Chevy Silverado HD Duramax, well, maybe you need to get on down to your local dealer and you find one for your very own. As I always like to say, each and every week, the outdoors are my passion, I want it to be yours too. We’ll see you back here again next week on another episode of Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine.
This week Bob is back down at Southern Woods Plantation in beautiful Sylvester, Georgia, one of his favorite bird-hunting locations.
Joining Bob as his wing man, is Kurt Neubrecht, the Field Marketing Manager for General Motors in the southeastern region.
Grab your shotgun and get ready for some action!
Full Transcript
[Bob] Folks, welcome to our show this week. I’m back down at Southern Woods Plantation in beautiful Sylvester, Georgia, one of my favorite bird-hunting locations ever, and with me today, and my guest, and my wing man, is Kurt Neubrecht. He’s the field marketing manager for Chevrolet in the southeastern region, and I tell you what. You know, Kurt, it’s always a pleasure to have you just with a shotgun in your hand, but I also have to say, about a year ago we were doing this, okay? We had a little bit of different conditions.
We did, and I’m glad to be back. It’s a little bit better this time, but looking forward to it. It should be a great time.
Well, you know, one of the things that I love about bird hunting is this fellowship and that sort of thing. You know, it’s bird hunting and trucks, man, I’m telling you what. And, you know, we’re also gonna get a chance to talk about the new Silverado Platform, the 2019, okay? I’m excited to hear from you on that, and maybe a sneak preview on what’s coming here soon.
Yeah, we’ll talk about all that. Looking forward to it. Should be a great time.
All right, well, listen. On the buggy we’ll be, and folks? Stay tuned, ’cause I’m telling ya, there’s gonna be birds flying, and Kurt? Well, he’s gonna be stylin’ and profilin’ this morning. Beautiful right there. What I thought initially, he might have been a jay. Fish on. Double up, double up, there. This looks like a birdy spot. Mm.
[Newt] Don’t keep coming on past the dogs. Come here, Jake. Get the birds.
[Bob] Dix, he’ll find ’em. Dix, he’ll find ’em. There we go. Oh! Ah, very nice shot. Nice shot, Kurt. I had kind of safety in mind. I really don’t like taking them behind me, you know? It’s better to be safe than sorry sometimes. Hey, that’s a great shot. Hup, there they go. Woo!
Two for two.
Woo, man. Mm, mm, mm, mm. All right, let me get reloaded here.
[Kurt] What do you think about that, Bob?
[Bob] Ah, buddy, let me tell you something. All right, Dixie. Ah. Well, I just flat missed that one. I’m sorry. I tell you what, the tree this morning just kind of got me hammered.
[Newt] Check it out, Dix.
[Bob] There it goes, Kurt. Your bird. Hey, nice shot. Nicely done, man.
[Kurt] Thank you.
[Bob] Nicely done.
Thank you.
Woo! Mm. What do you think, Dot? There more in there? Dot says I’m just faking you out. Okay. All right, man. But yeah, that’s awesome shooting over there.
He killed a double to start with.
[Kurt] Yes.
And then…
Yeah, with the last one.
I didn’t see but one crawl. Were both on this side?
Two fell right here and then one right back.
Give me bump, buddy. You on your game this morning.
Yeah, I guess I am.
You know, wow. I knew there was a reason I asked you to come quail hunting.
[Kurt] I’m feeling it today.
Yeah, I’m telling you, you are feeling it. Dixie says there’s birds in here.
[Kurt] I see one. Right there.
They’re like Shake ‘N Bake, but I helped.
[Kurt] Man, I’m on fire today.
Yeah, I tell you, bud, you are. Man! I ought to call you Quick-Draw McGraw. Okay. There we go. Man!
I don’t fool around.
Hey, listen. Nicely done, bub. Nicely done.
Thank you.
You know what it is? It’s the no snow.
It must be, but the Georgia snow.
I tell you, folks. A year ago, it was snowing hub-deep to a Ferris wheel. Nine degrees. Matter of fact, neither one of us could hit a thing.
Yeah, I think we were too cold!
Oh, man. It does make a difference. Woo. Well, folks, stay tuned. We’re gonna have more great bird-hunting action from Sylvester, Georgia, Southern Woods Plantation, and tell you what. I’m shooing a Browning 725 .410 this morning with Browning 2 3/4 ammo. Ah, the best there is. I’ve got both combinations. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.
[Announcer] Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine, brought to you today by The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Life’s Just Better Outdoors. By Berkley. Catch more fish with Berkley fishing products. By Ranger Boats. Still building legends one at a time. By Browning ammunition. Browning, the best there is. And by Southern Woods Plantation, a place where the grandeur of times past can still be experienced today.
[Bob] All right, Kurt, get ready, brother.
[Kurt] I’m ready.
[Bob] Dixie’s reset.
[Newt] Get the bird.
[Bob] Maggie and Dot, mm.
[Kurt] Well.
[Bob] There we go.
The tree got me, man. I had to get him on the second. Oh. Awesome. Birds down. Mm. Now, Kurt, that’s the kind of snow I like, okay?
That’s right.
Not the white kind. I like Georgia snow.
Yeah, with feathers flying. Yeah, man. All right, Dixie’s got the bird. Look-it here. Mm-mm. All right. Wow. Mm. Well, listen, Kurt. Come over here, man. We gotta introduce our guide for the day. We got, folks, Newt Hughes. He’s from Nashville, Georgia. Been a guide, how many years you been a guide down here?
I don’t know. Been a while.
Well, listen, I tell you what. Here at Southern Woods, we really love coming down here, and, Newt, you know, it’s dogs like Dixie and Maggie and Dot and all the different dogs that you use, and I know you’re a dog trainer. You raise those dogs and so, that’s really what makes the hunt special for folks like us. So, I just got to give you a little bump out there, bro. But, I tell you what, man. It’s nice having you as a wing man, huh?
I appreciate it.
All right, let’s go get the next birds.
One off the bat.
Yeah, man. All right, Dixie. Come on, find them birds. Your brothers there and sisters are working hard. Hup! Nice.
[Kurt] One down.
[Bob] Welp, got him down.
Got bird down.
[Bob] Woo, nicely done. That’s a beautiful rise right there.
[Newt] Get down.
[Bob] Mine’s on the left over here. Oh, there may be more in there. Get ready, Kurt. Hup! Down, down, down, down, down, down. I saw it. Yep, there it went. Mm. Oh wow. Let me get reloaded, woo-hoo! Okay.
[Newt] Welp, whoa.
[Bob] Nope. Mm. Dell and Callie. Led by Dixie. What you thinking, Dixie? Now, let me get out from behind this tree. I’ve been behind trees all morning.
[Kurt] That your excuse?
[Bob] Yeah, I gotta stick to that one, too. All right, Callie’s whiffing them. She’s whiffing them. Whiffin’ ’em. Woo! Mm, one down. That’s all, I only got one shot. Man, that’s a pretty point, golly. Wow. All right, Kurt, you ready, brother?
[Kurt] Yes, sir.
[Bob] All right, man.
[Newt] Dix. Get the bird. Dix, come here, heel. Come here. Get a bird.
Dixie says I’m working at it, Dad. Hup! No bird on the back. I got one. Dixie’s got it.
Moving fast.
Here we come. Get it, Dixie, thank you. Thank you. Gosh, I mean… You know, South Georgia quail hunting of the morning, huh?
[Kurt] Nothing better.
Now, I know you like snowmobiling, okay? And, you know, you being from Michigan originally, but I’d rather have this than snow any day. Come on up, Kurt, I’ll slide a little bit this way. There we go.
[Newt] Dix, heel. Heel. You want to get in the front, go and try and try to find them?
[Bob] There, we good.
[Newt] All right. Ready? Get the bird, Dix.
Got him!
I got one. I really didn’t get the other one. Dixie’s got it. One down. Okay, looks like we may need to get reset, Kurt. How many you got down over there, brother?
One, sir.
Got two down. One down? Okay.
[Kurt] One down.
[Newt] Come here, dog.
[Bob] All right, Maggie says there’s more birds there. Now Dot’s getting reset. Is that pretty, Kurt, or what? Mm.
[Bob] Listen. You came in a Tahoe today.
[Kurt] Yep.
[Bob] I think your wife would love, and the kids would love, to have a dog when you go home.
[Kurt] They would. Have you been talking to my wife?
[Bob] No, but I can.
[Newt] Dixie! Dixie, don’t do it.
I shouldn’t have done that. I knew I couldn’t catch up to that dog. Oh, there it goes. Folks, stay tuned. When we come back, we’re gonna have another great recipe on this week’s Sportsman’s Table.
[Announcer] The Sportsman’s Table is brought to you by The South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Whether you live in South Carolina or out of state, be sure to buy South Carolina-grown meats, vegetables, and fruits. Make sure your food is South Carolina-certified. It’s a matter of taste.
Welcome to Chive Blossom Café on The Sportsman’s Table this week, and joining me is my guest chef Andreann Geise with My Big Fat Greek Kitchen here in Myrtle Beach, and she’s got a great recipe for us. It’s got some fresh green tomatoes, certified SC-grown. Okay, Andreann. Well, I tell you what. I’m gonna let you tell everybody what you’re building here, okay? Because I love green tomatoes.
I’m baking a Greek dish called moussaka and I’m substituting the eggplant with green tomatoes. They’re a wonderful substitution for it, and they’re fresh, local tomatoes.
Oh, that’s great. Well, what’s the first step?
So, the first step in the dish is you’re gonna cook off some potatoes, and you’re gonna put them in a pan. They’re layered into a pan, and they’re just fork-tender.
[Bob] You want me to help you here a little bit?
Yeah, I’m gonna lay this over here. The green tomatoes were lightly floured and salted and sauteed up, and they’re just gonna be layered right on top of that.
Oh wow.
So you’re basically just squeezing in there. The flour that I coated them with helps it make a nice sauce and thicken up while it cooks.
[Bob] And folks, if you want a copy of her recipe, just log onto Go to The Sportsman’s Table and it’ll be right there.
The next layer is gonna be meat sauce, and let me put this to the side. I browned some ground beef. You could do pork, you could do whatever, deer meat, if you want to. I browned it off, putting it back in a hot pan with a little bit of olive oil. Oops!
[Bob] There we go.
[Andreann] It’s decided to jump on me. There we go. Told you, everything’s so fresh, it’s alive here.
[Bob] Yeah, man, I’m helping you. I’m trying to get my certified flipping. Okay, there we go.
[Andreann] I’ve also sauteed some onions with a little bit of garlic, salt, and pepper.
[Bob] Am I shaking it right?
You’re shaking it right.
I’m gonna mix that up a little bit. And now this is my own spice blend that I’m putting in there.
It will be listed on your website, so I’m gonna give away my secrets.
Yeah, there you go.
And I like to make my own tomato sauce and I jar it, but you can buy whatever garden tomato sauce you like or your favorite tomato sauce, and that gets poured in.
[Bob] Wow.
Once the sauce has simmered a little bit and the flavors melded together, you pour the sauce on top, and you want a nice thick layer. The potatoes on the bottom are gonna drink a lot of this sauce. So you just pour it on there, get it pretty even. It doesn’t have to be exact.
[Bob] Oh yeah.
And we’re gonna press it down a little bit. We want it nice and flat because we have the last layer going on, which is a Béchamel sauce, but I wanted to add a little South to it, so I added some stone-ground grits to my Béchamel.
Oh, wow. Now, how long is this gonna have to cook for?
It’s gonna cook at 375 for about 35 to 40 minutes until you get a nice brown topping. Let me lay this over to the side here. And in this pan, I’ve got… Thank you.
I’m helping.
I appreciate it.
I’m your sous chef today, how ’bout that?
Well, you’re a wonderful sous chef.
Thank you.
So, I’ve got the bechamel cooking. As you can see, it’s… It’s kind of like a real–
Really thick.
Yeah, it’s thin for grits but thick for a Béchamel, but it’s gonna bake and it’s gonna fluff up. Okay, so we pour that on top. And it’s not gonna puff too much, so you want it pretty much almost to the top of the pan, but not quite, and you just kinda spread it even.
[Bob] Okay, that’s easy.
Yeah, it’s a quick dish, and it’s all in one. You pretty much have everything you need in one dish. You got grits. You got potatoes, You got a nice meat sauce.
You do, here, let me help you with that.
Okay, put that to the side. So, this’ll go in the oven.
And we’ll put that in the oven and when it’s done, it’ll look like this.
[Bob] That is awesome. Look at that, mm. Got a little bit of salad on top there.
Yes, I do a little fresh salad. It’s got parsley, tomato, onions, a little bit of cucumber, and it gives it a little bit of color. It’s a little brightness to the dish.
There you go. Thank you so much for being our guest chef today.
I appreciate it.
Folks, listen, if you would like more great recipes just like you saw today on The Sportsman’s Table, you can also log on to and see what’s fresh on your menu, as well as the next time you’re in Myrtle Beach, come on down to The Chive Blossom Cafe, Pawleys Island, or contact My Big Fat Greek Kitchen and you could have Andreann, well, she could prepare a meal just for you at home. That’s all we got time for this week. We’ll be right back next week with another great recipe, right here on The Sportsman’s Table.
[Announcer] To find out more information on food that’s fresher and tastier, go online at Buy certified South Carolina-grown products. It’s a matter of taste. Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is brought to you today by Chevrolet, the official vehicle of Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine. By The South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Buy South Carolina, it’s a matter of taste. By Pennington Seed, the leader in outdoor forage products. By Browning. Browning, the best there is. By South Carolina Embroidery & Screenprinting, and by Back Woods Quail Club, offering Southern-style hunting and an array of exciting and challenging clay target shooting sports.
[Bob] This one’s gonna be kind of tricky, Kurt. Hup!
[Kurt] Boom.
I kinda had to let it clear the limbs.
[Kurt] Nice shot.
[Bob] Grab it up, girls.
[Kurt] Bird down. Oh.
[Bob] Dixie says maybe more. Maybe not.
[Newt] Hup!
Here she comes. Maggie’s got it. All right, dude, I’ve got to ask you. I know you’re older than me and you’ve been doing this stuff a long, long time, okay.
All right, talk to me.
Tell me how many years have you been guiding, how many years have you been raising dogs, ’cause you know, that’s a part of the sport that’s dying.
42, 42 years.
42 years, oh my goodness. Well, folks, our guide from Nashville, Georgia right here. Newt Hughes. He’s got some great dogs today. Southern Woods Plantation. It don’t get any better than that. Come on down. Log onto Bob’s Top 16. You too can come on down and book your bird hunt of a lifetime. Hey, great food, great place to stay, and great guides like this, okay? And dogs just like Dixie. All right, man, woo-hoo! Well, folks, before we go on our show this week, I’ve had some great bird hunting, and listen. This guy was just target-on with all of… I tell you, bird hunting, you making it all over today.
It was a great time.
Well, you know, and folks, I wanna take just one quick look at the new 2019 Silverado. The all-new Silverado. This one behind me happens to be mine, and these guys have put me in such a great ride. You see me in Chevvers all the time, and you have for over 18 years plus, and these guys never cease to amaze me and what Chevy and all the engineers, and, well, just everybody that goes into building these great trucks, what they do to these trucks to make them for us and the outdoors. Great, and you’ve got to talk about this new Platform. It’s all-new.
Yeah, all new from the ground up. Re-engineered. Basically, it’s the strongest, most advanced Silverado that we’ve ever made. They’re 450 pounds lighter than the previous generation. It’s got air Kurtains in the front for aerodynamic efficiency. It’s got a new trailering package integrated with the camera. LED headlights in the front and rear. Easy-lift locking and folding rear tailgate, so a lot of great features in this new truck.
[Bob] Plus, it is the first one that they’ve put a lift kit in.
It is. You are correct. This is the first Chevrolet Silverado with a factory two-inch lift. So, as you can see, it really makes that truck look good. It’s the Z71 package on top of that, so it’s a dynamite look on that truck.
Well, the Trail Boss, listen. I get great looks wherever it goes. Man, on the road, and I just can’t thank you guys enough for what you do for us here in the outdoors. Not only on our show, but what you do in the outdoors in general across this county, because everybody that drives a Chevy, everybody that proudly displays that bow tie, it’s a tribute to the folks at General Motors and Chevrolet.
It is. Thank you.
You’re wild, man.
‘Preciate it.
We gotta do it again. This time, maybe it’s a rod and reel? Now that you’ve mastered the shotgun.
That’s right, on to the next sporting event.
Yeah, man, we’re gonna do it.
‘Preciate it.
Well, folks, listen, that’s our show for this week. As we always like to say, the outdoors’ our passion. I want it to be yours, too. We’ll see you right back here again next week on another episode of Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine. Man, I’m just telling you.
Clear Lake, SD is our Chevy Destination this week and we’re hunting Pheasant. Do you love pheasant hunting or have you ever wanted to try?
Be sure to check out the show this week and we’ll have you itching to book a trip to South Dakota!
This week Bob is back in South Dakota taking on one of his favorite things: Upland Bird hunting in South Dakota! If you like the outdoors and really like to pheasant hunt, this is the place for you. Wide open spaces and pheasant hunting is what it’s all about. Tune in for for some great bird hunting action and an amazing recipe on The Sportsman’s Table!