Tag Archives: small mouth bass

Summertime New York Smallmouth Bass (Part 2)


Guide and personal friend Frank Campbell of Niagara Charters near Lewiston, New York continues this week teaching Bob a new fishing technique to land the region’s famous smallmouth bass. Fishing for smallmouth is one of Bob’s favorite species and he tests his skills in the fast moving waters of Lake Erie near Buffalo, NY.


Summertime New York Smallmouth Bass (Part 1)

smallmouth bass

Guide and personal friend Frank Campbell of Niagara Charters near Lewiston, New York will be teaching Bob a new fishing technique to land the region’s famous smallmouth bass. Fishing for smallmouth is one of Bob’s favorite species and he tests his skills in the fast moving waters of Lake Erie near Buffalo, NY.


Bob Redfern’s Best of 2014

10868121_10152831907385865_3578538535891298757_n2014 was a huge year for Bob, from small mouth bass in New York, to South Dakota Pheasants it was a really exciting year! Join us this week as we look back at the Best of 2014. You won’t forget all of Bob’s 2014 destinations from around the country – the absolute best of the best. Don’t miss this week’s program to make your pick of where to go in 2015!

Pursuit – Small Mouth Bass in South Carolina

broad riverThis week Bob is back in the heart South Carolina searching for small mouth bass. Don’t believe South Carolina has small mouth bass?  Well Mike McSwain will join Bob on the fast moving water of the Broad River, just north of Columbia and  change your mind about summer fishing for small mouth bass in South Carolina.  Don’t miss this action!!

FSN – South Carolina Small Mouth Bass Fishing

broad riverThis week Bob is back in the heart South Carolina searching for small mouth bass. Don’t believe South Carolina has small mouth bass?  Well Mike McSwain will join Bob on the fast moving water of the Broad River, just north of Columbia and  change your mind about summer fishing for small mouth bass in South Carolina.  Don’t miss this action!!

Lake Erie Small Mouth

On today’s show Bob braves the wind and waves in search of the Lake Erie small mouth bass. His guide Frank Campbell of Niagara Falls, is one of the best local experts in navigating the mighty waves of Lake Erie for some great fishing action near Buffalo, New York. See if Bob is able to land some trophy small mouth or just get wet!