Bob heads to Hilton Head, South Carolina for some red and trout fishing with guide Captain Trent Malphrus of Palmetto Lagoon Charters.
Plus this week Bob talks some new Revo fishing reels from Abu Garcia.
Then on this week’s Sportsman’s Table, it’s a South Carolina Certified brown sugar salmon recipe.
Author Archives: BROM
Georgia Quail Hunt Part 2
Here’s part two of Bob’s early quail hunt down at Southern Woods Plantation in Sylvester Georgia. On the Sportsman’s Table, Chef Tom Mullally serves up South Carolina-certified fried snapper recipe.

Georgia Quail Hunt Part 1
Bob heads down to South Georgia to our friends at Southern Woods Plantation for some early winter quail hunting and on this week’s Sportsmen Table we feature a southern inspired tuna recipe.

Kansas Deer Hunting

Bob is in Kansas for hopefully an opportunity to kill a big buck from this part of the country. Also on this week’s “Sportsman’s Table” we feature another South Carolina certified shrimp recipe.
Kansas Duck Hunting
Bob heads west to Norwich Kansas for some early winter duck hunting. On The Sportsman’s Table, we feature a South Carolina certified skirt steak recipe. Plus, a look at Browning’s new Cynergy shotgun.
Santee Stripers with Ricky Drose

Bob heads to Lake Marion in South Carolina which is part of the Santee Cooper lake system. Joining Bob will be guide Ricky Drose, whose family has guided on Santee for over 40 years. Also on this week’s Sportsman’s Table we feature a South Carolina certified grouper taco recipe.
Ricky Drose at Drose Guide Service 803-460-7717
Southern Woods Quail December 2019
South Carolina Deer Hunt 2
Bob takes you on two deer hunts on his property in South Carolina.
Salmon Salad | The Sportsman’s Table
The Sportsman’s Table returns to Deck 383 right on the Waccamaw River, beautiful setting, and guest chef Jermaine Alston. Today, Jermaine serves up one of his Summer best sellers: Deck Salmon Salad.
Chef Jermaine Alston, Deck 383
- 1 piece 6 oz. salmon
- 8 oz. salad mix
- 4 slices of cucumber, peeled
- 4 tomato wedges
- 5 slices of red onion, cut in half
- 2 oz. walnuts
- 2 oz. Candied pecans
- 4 oz. bleu cheese crumbles
- 4 oz. balsamic vinaigrette
Cook salmon to medium temperature. Place 8 oz. of salad mix in a salad bowl. Top with tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, walnuts, candied pecans and bleu cheese crumbles. Place salmon on top, in the middle of the dish, and dress with the balsamic vinaigrette
Best of 2019
End of the year show where we highlight some of the best segments of the show.
[Narrator] Coming up this week on Bob Redford’s Outdoor Magazine. Bob takes a look at the at the best of 2019. It’s a look back from the best hunting fishing moments this past year. Plus, on this year’s Sportsman’s table, we feature a South Carolina seafood recipe from Deck 383 in Murrell’s Inlet. All this and a whole lot more and it begins right now.
It’s just been a great day!
Who shot this?
Look at that, wow!
[Bob] Folks, this week we’re on location in Norwich, Kansas. A trophy book of outdoor outfitters, filming for 2020. 2019 was another great year to be in the outdoors and I had a chance of a lifetime to hunt and fish in some of the greatest locations in America with some very special folks. As you know, we’re always taking you to some very special destinations around the country. And that’s what brings us to Kansas today. We’ve traveled to Kansas over the past few years and you’ve seen us do some shows out there. But I’ve really only had the chance to do some spring turkey hunting. Folks, this is going to be my first trip to Kansas where I’m going to have the opportunity to take a big buck and do some duck hunting while we’re out here. What a great combination that’s going to be. You know, my first look back on this week’s show it’s another great combo hunt but this time it was back in the South Carolina low country. Night hog hunting and doing one of my favorite things in the outdoors and that’s quail hunting behind some awesome bird dogs, all in the matter of 12 hours. Let’s take a look at our low country combo hunt, this week, right down in South Carolina.
Got a pretty nice sized hog, just decided to come out. Folks, I’m using my ATM night vision scope mounted on my Browning BAR 308 caliber. It’s a great tool option for hog hunting here at night. Here down at Cedar Knoll, again, the guys really got these stands in strategic places up. He’s not sure he’s ready to come out. Hi, come on guys. Alright, he’s getting a little bit braver. Come on. Still something he’s not liking out there. Okay, maybe it’s the light. He’s looking right at it. Okay here we go. Maybe we’re going to settle down here. Alright, this may be my shot. Here comes another one, he’s even bigger. This one here is probably a little over 200. But again, at about 195 yards, it’s hard to tell. Don’t leave. I’d much rather take the other one behind him but that’s okay. Sometimes if you wait too long, they decide to scurry and not come back. Maybe this one is going to cooperate here.
I know I was looking here and I seen the birds are in between. You all want to come up a little more here. You get close just shoot that little hog . I can see this is going to be a tough crowd this morning.
Yes sir.
Don’t be too hard on me Hayward.
Find them Blue, find them.
We got little Blue.
We’re fixing to find them.
Oh yeah.
Well I got my two!
I didn’t get mine, I winged them.
Alright! Well folks joining me now is a good friend of mine Joey Robinson, he’s a quail hunter, a duck hunter, a fishing guide. He lives down in South Carolina right near Sante and I tell you what, Joey has invited us to come down and join him on the deer and duck hunting adventure in Kansas, at Travis Steven’s place at Big Trophy Bucks of Kansas Outfitters. Joey I want to thank you again for
Glad you came. Coaching us, for coming out here. I know we’re out duck hunting this morning and
It’s good. Well you know, it’s hunting okay?
That’s right. And we’re having a chance to kind of catch our breath a little bit.
We’ve had birds come in, but one of the things that often intrigues me about guys that have the passion like you. You’ve been coming out here for over 20 years. What brings you coming out every year?
The deer, the ducks, the people out here are super, nice people. This is just a way of life that I love, I’ve always loved it.
You told me many times, this is your vacation.
It is, it’s a vacation to myself.
Well, there’s not too many guys that can unhook from the family and the wife and say I’ll see you when I see you.
I’m lucky I have a good one.
Exactly we all are, that’s really for us that has the passion for the outdoors like you. You got 50 years of duck hunting around your neck.
You got all those bands around your neck, I know you really love it.
It’s been a ride.
You’ve got Rooster, your dedicated lab, will travel. I mean one of those things I enjoy is being around guys just like you who understand what it’s like to be in the outdoors. And we’re getting fewer and farther between.
Yeah, we need to get more kids involved in it. Bring more kids and their parents also, get them involved in it. Let’s take a sneak peak at some of our duck hunting action we had.
We’ve been out here, we’ve been at it hard, man, every morning .
It’s been a tough week.
Yeah, I tell you, it’s always tough out here.
Well folks, I tell you what, let’s take a look at our action from earlier duck hunting this week. And maybe we’ll be able to take some sneak footage of what’s coming up in 2020.
Here, here.
Rooster’s gone again.
Come on, come here.
Nice again bro.
Perfect pair. Man.
Good start in the morning.
That Travis listens, I’m telling you.
Best duck hunting.
Listen, it’s probably the best duck hunting I’ve probably had in my lifetime. Folks, we are in Kansas just outside of Norwich Kansas not too far from Wichita. We came in, drove all night long, 18 plus hours to get here. Travis Stevens, the property owner right here, man, I’ll tell you what I’ll introduce Joey Robinson from South Carolina. He’s got Rooster the dog, he’s going to get these first two ducks that we got down. I’ll tell you, I don’t know how, Joey has kept this, Travis, is the best kept secret from me and him only living 30 miles from me in South Carolina. Rooster finally got to work. We’re here in Norwich Kansas, where Trophy Bucks of Kansas Outfitters and I’m actually trying to get one of these big hummers on camera. And, probably, a buck of my lifetime, they’re here. They grow bigger, badder, and I tell you what, antlers like this and we’re already had a chance to see some of those. And I know, you’re going to get a sneak peak in 2020. But, looking back at some of our hunts over the past year I had some great opportunities to do a lot of great things in the outdoors, but one I really value the most is I was able to do some deer hunting on my property up in South Carolina and I tell you what, I just want to show you a little of that deer hunting footage that we have for 2019. I am about 54 yards from iy. I look to my left there’s that itty bitty ugly looking buck. A young one, and I’m coming back, and it’s time and I’m going to take the shot. Well folks, joining me again is Joey Robinson from South Carolina. You know Joey and I did a show several years ago, together, and it was just an awesome opportunity to showcase one of his championship bird dogs. Joey, if you had the opportunity to give some advice to folks who either own a bird dog, want to own bird dog, or love quail hunting, I want you to think about one of those tips that you provide.
Okay, we’ll do that.
But right now what I want you to do is hold that thought because I know there’s a lot of tips that we could give.
Oh yeah.
I’ve had bird dogs over the years, as well, but you hold that thought because, first folks, I want to take you all to south Georgia and take a look at some quail hunting action we had the opportunity to do in 2019.
Come here.
Come on up Mike.
Alright, Dixie, help us out.
Nicely done, guys, I got two down.
Dixie says there’s birds in here.
I see one.
Right there.
Man, I’m on fire today.
I’ll tell you bud, you are! Man! I’d call you quick draw Mcgraw! Alright, Joey, I promised all the folks out there that you’d provide them with a tip about training a bird dog, keeping a bird dog, and if they want if they wanted to quail hunt. What would you provide them is the best advice to those guys out there or gals who want to bird dog.
Very first thing is finding the best trainer you can find, after that, find time to take your dog out. There’s nothing like working a dog, you have to spend time with them to get good dogs. Thirdly, keep them in good shape, that’s the main thing. When you get a good one, hang onto him.
Absolutely, you have and I’ve had the opportunity to have 6, or 8, 10 of them over my life time. And you’re right, if you don’t have the opportunity to put them in birds at least two or three times a week – –
Right. And that’s year round, it’s just not doing them service.
And take them out west, Kansas, Missouri, different places, take them out where they have plentiful birds and get them in those birds. Doesn’t matter where you go, just get them in the birds and work them Well, that’s great advice out there. You know folks I tell you what. Stay tuned, when we come back I’m going to take you on the boat and we’re going to be doing some great fishing action. And showing you some of that footage and some of the best of 2019.
Bob Redfern’s “Outdoor Magazine” is being brought to you today by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, life’s just better outdoors. Buy Berkley, catch more fish with Berkley fishing products, by Ranger Boats, still building legends one at a time, by Browning ammunition, Browning, the best there is, and by Southern Woods Plantations, voted one of the top quail hunting destinations in America. You know, folks, weather in 2019 played a major factor in all of our fishing trips. Extreme cold in the winter and we experienced some big, bad summer heat which was not always the best conditions for fishing. But, despite the ups and downs, we were out there doing it and we still had some great fishing opportunities around the country with some very special folks. Let’s take a look at some of that action from 2019.
You got him.
That’s a little better.
Get him, get him, yeah man.
That will work.
Fun when there’s a little spinner on it.
I guess we’re going to go to this side.
Which way you want to go?
Hey Bill, I got my call.
I don’t know if he’s quite ready to come in here with this light line.
That’s okay. Oh yeah, there it comes. Alright, we’ll get him over here for everybody to look at. He’s tough this morning. He swallowed that thing.
Did he?
Yeah, yes sir he did.
Yeah, that will work. Okay, alright, need some pliers? He definitely ate it.
Okay we got – –
There we go, I’m telling you. Folks it’s the General this morning on the fusion, weedless.
Right there bro. Look at that, that’s a good start.
You got a big fish.
Who’s going to hit the side.
That’s okay.
Come on, fish, stay with me buddy! Stay with me.
That’s a nice red.
If we have to I’ll put your rod in the rod holder.
The rail has to wait.
Here he comes, that’s a nice one.
Come over the side.
That’s a nice one Bill.
That’s a real nice fish.
That is.
I’m going to put this guy in the rod holder.
Do that.
Here we go, I got him coming right over here.
Okay, you got to do your thing.
I’ll talk while I try get this for you.
There we go.
Man, I’m rocking and rolling with this Toro beast.
There we go. Oh yeah!
I think I may have one right behind you!
Right where he’s supposed to be hooked?
Yep, he’s hooked right where he’s supposed to be hooked.
Fish on Craig, fish on brother!
Well the fog is hopefully getting out of here.
And you know, I always say, hope is never a method but this morning, that’s the best that we can do. I tell you what, you talk about soup and sandwich.
Hopefully they couldn’t see anything.
I don’t know.
No sir, we don’t have nets on this boat. No sir. I think I can get him, hang on here. Oh yeah, that is a little better fish Come here hummer! You hold the rod. I’ll do the honors. Come here, come on, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, just hold on, I know. I want to get you up here and show you off and then we’re just going to let you go. Yeah, we’re just going to let you go, hang on. We’re just going to let you go. Oh yeah, nice fat striper right there now, oh yeah. Well folks stay tuned, when we come back, we’re going to head over to the Sportsman’s table and I know you’re going to enjoy this week’s recipe.
The Sportsman’s table brought to you by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Whether you live in South Carolina or out of state be sure to buy South Carolina grown meats, vegetables, and fruits. Make sure your food is South Carolina certified, it’s a matter of taste.
Welcome back this week folks, we’re here on another edition of the Sportsman’s table on Deck 383 on right here on the Waccamaw River, beautiful setting, and Germaine Alston, he’s the main guy here on deck 383. He’s got a recipe, well, I know your going to need to pay attention to today. Germaine, welcome back to the show my friend.
Always a pleasure.
Okay, what have we got today?
We’re gonna do– this is a phenomenal dish during the summer time, We can’t get over selling this so much, we sell this 20, 30 everyday. It’s our Deck salmon salad.
Okay, alright.
You get get it blackened or you can get it grilled. I do it blackened for the show here.
Well, that’s a good started.
I throw a little black seasoning on the salmon.
Now this is wild caught salmon?
Wild caught salmon. Alaskan wild caught salmon.
And this is on the menu today at Deck 383?
Yes sir.
Get that salmon good and seasoned and I put it – –
Now is that butter in the pan or – –
It’s oil.
You put oil in there.
I got you.
Let that cook for two minutes on each side, flip it over, throw it in the oven, you don’t want to overcook your salmon you don’t want it well done.
Give it a good medium.
Germaine man, is the salmon ready?
Salmon is ready to go. We’re going to dress our salad right here.
A little bit of blue cheese crumbles.
Got to have blue cheese.
Got to have blue cheese. Spread it over, going to have some candied pecans.
Got to have them
That’s such a great color.
This is so wonderful of a salad. We’re going to do some toasted almonds.
Now you guys can turn these out in a moment’s notice.
Oh my goodness, five minutes max. We’re going to throw some red onions on there.
And all the certified SC grown foods.
Everything produce is certified.
Good mators.
Good mators from Lee’s farm, can never go wrong with Lee’s mators.
Oh wow.
Throw some good cucumbers on there.
There you go.
Now I’m going to throw our salmon on here. Right there in the middle.
Wow, there you go.
Going to dress that with balsamic vinegarette.
All about style and the profile, Germaine.
Oh yes sir.
There you go.
And there’s our Deck salmon salad.
Germaine thank you man.
Not a problem.
Well it’s awesome having you on here. Folks listen, come on down to Deck 383 on the Waccamaw River, come on down, eat some of this great food they’re prepared out here. It’s all You check them out there and see what’s fresh on the menu. And, we’ll be right back here again next week on another great recipe on the Sportsman’s table.
To find out more information on food that’s fresher and tastier go online to Buy certified South Carolina grown products, it’s a matter of taste.
Bob Redfern’s “Outdoor Magazine” is being brought to you today by Chevrolet, the official vehicle of Bob Redfern’s “Outdoor Magazine”, by the South Carolina Agriculture Department, it’s a matter of taste, by Browning, Browning the best there is, by South Carolina Embroidery and Screen printing, and by the Wacca Wache Marina and Deck 383, located on the Waccamaw River in Murrell’s Inlet South Carolina.
Well folks, I hope you’ve enjoyed our look back at the 2019 season. It really did come and to real quick. I especially appreciate everyone tuning in each week and following us across this great country. It wouldn’t be possible without all of our viewers, our guides, and outfitters and especially our great sponsors. Be sure you go to our website and make sure you check out Bob’s top 16. And check out all those guides that have allowed us to bring the great outdoors to you, each and every week, for the past 19 years. I would like to thank each and everyone of you the very best for the Holiday season, from all of us here at Bob Redfern’s “Outdoor Magazine”. And remember, the outdoors is my passion, I want it to be yours too. We’ll see you right back here again next week on another episode of Bob Redford’s “Outdoor Magazine”.