Voiceover: On this week’s Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine, Bob takes a look back at a special friend of the show, Martin Eubanks, who passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. Also on this week Sportsman’s Table, we go to the City Center Farmers Market in Florence, South Carolina for a South Carolina Peach Cobbler recipe. All this and a whole lot more this week and it begins right now.
Bob Redfern: Welcome to our show this week. I would like to dedicate pay tribute to a good friend of mine who has been a special guest on this show over the past several years, Mr. Martin Eubanks, a recent retiree from the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. He unexpectedly passed away a few months ago. Martin was, well, an avid outdoorsman and everything outdoors was what Martin was all about. You know, I can remember how we spent many early mornings chasing turkeys down in the low country or walking the woods on a hog stalker enjoying the beautiful Covey Rise of quail on a quiet cool South Carolina morning. Martin left a tremendous impact on everything he touched and his life and career was spent promoting agriculture in the great state of South Carolina. His career at the Department of Agriculture was a lifelong passion and support of our great farmers statewide. In addition to turkey and deer hunt, Martin love to get behind good bird dogs and chase bobwhite quail. You know, several years ago, he and I had the chance to link up and do just that. So on this week’s show, I just wanted to take time to look back at a beautiful day in the woods with Martin as my wingman of what was to be our last quail hunt together. Let us take a look.
Bob: Hi, Mart.
Martin Eubanks: Let us see what he does.
Bob: What are you thinking, Drake?
Martin: Alright, Drake. Go.
Bob: Nicely done. Nice shot. Nice shot.
Martin: I rush that first on a little bit.
Bob: It is always good to have a good wingman on the left, on the right.
Martin: I rush that first a little bit. Got a little excited.
Bob: Yeah. But, folks, listen. We are hunting in the Low Country, South Carolina today. My good friend, I tell you what. My wingman today is Martin Eubanks. He is assistant Commissioner of Agriculture for the South Carolina Department of Agriculture here. Great outdoorsman, but you know, Martin I tell you what. Nothing gets finer than to be in South Carolina on morning.
Martin: I tell you what. Beautiful day to be outside and just lucky to be here on a farm in South Carolina where they allow folks to come hunt and you know, while they are working the land and farm and it is just great day to be here with you, Bob.
Bob:Well, listen. I am glad you are all target, man. Let us go see if…
Martin: See if we can do a little better next time and get him in one shot.
Bob: Yeah, actually, we got to Cecil, Hank, Drake. I mean, yeah.
Martin: I see. What could be better?
Bob: It cannot be. All right. He is getting a little birdie. Martin, I will tell you. Cecil has got some great habitat here.
Martin: Oh, yes.
Bob: This is gourd quail hunt habitat.
Martin: Beautiful Woods.
Bob: Yeah. And folks, we will talk a little bit about our location and destination, but if you want to know where we are, we are down in Lodge South Carolina Williams Hunting. Log on to Bob’s top 16 at our website, bobredfern.com. Plug in. Cecil, can book you with a quail hunt. I am telling you that you will never forget. Okay. Yeah, okay.
[next video playing]
Bob: I do not think he is ready. What do you thinking, Hank? Look at that. You know, Martin?
Martin: Move.
Bob: Down right there. Boom. Whoo! Maybe more there, Martin. Get reloaded, brother.
Martin: I am working it.
Bob: How many you got down over there?
Martin: One drop.
Bob: Okay. I got one drop on the right. Yeah, that is true.
Martin: Got a point right here, too.
Bob: Up. There go take it. And he is down. Okay. Nice. Got it. Let us go fetch him up.
Martin: Hey, he just flew off. He is hit.
Bob: It is all about you on the left side.
Martin: And get him make a shot.
Bob: Yeah. Hey, I can see someone go make it easy for you.
Martin: I got a little conflict here. I got a bunch of tree. That is going to be any risk.
Bob: No excuses. There we go. I helped. It is shake and bake.
Martin: Good job.
Bob: No, I am telling you.
Martin: I think we whacked them.
Bob: Listen to him some this high flying birds this morning.
Martin: Yeah, they are moving. The way we like it.
Bob: I am telling you and you know, you are sporting that new Browning.
Martin: Yeah. This was the 725. It is fill gun. Beautiful little shotgun. Nice engraving. 26 inch barrel, throws up great. I mean, when you pull it up, it is their, folks, and I love it. Great little bird gun around the 725 brown [inaudible] I think.
Bob: You are styling a profile, man. Let us go get some more birds here. Oh, we got one right there. Look here. Oh, yeah, okay.
[end of video]
Bob: Folks, stay tuned. When we come back, more quail hunting action from the low country of South Carolina with my good friend Martin Eubanks.
Voiceover: Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Life is just better outdoors by Berkley. Berkley -Your fish, our science; by Southern Woods Plantation, offering the best in southern comfort and quail hunting; and by Santee Cooper country discover the natural wonders of South Carolina’s Great Lakes.
Martin: Shot, Bob.
Bob: Got it.
Martin: Good shot.
Bob: Got it.
Martin: Well done.
Bob: All right. Are you ready? What do you got, Hank? Yes, sir.
Man: Go, Hank. Pick him up.
Bob: Yes, sir.
Martin: Well, that was fun. You are shooting. Bob.
Bob: Hey, nice. Nice. Nice single rise right there. What do you got in there, Hank? Hunting with Hank this morning. Look at there.
Martin: That is pretty.
Bob: Drake says I want in on this too. There they go. There we go.
Martin: We shoot.
Bob: South Carolina snow.
Martin: You had him fold it up before he came clear on me.
Bob: Well, he was trying to climb over neath that wax myrtle on me.
Martin: He was climbing. So…
Bob: He was steady climbing.
Martin: Bird flying good on this nice cool morning..
Bob: Yes, they are. Nice, cool morning. The dog work is great.
Martin: A lot of fun. Cecil does a good job.
Bob: Let me slide to the right over here, Cecil. You can get Drake in there. All right, Martin, how are you on the left, brother? There you go.
Martin: Good shot. Whoo.
Bob: I will tell you what. I almost lost him in the trees. It is a good thing I had to shots, Martin. That is right. Well, that is why they make that second [inaudible]. Gun is good You just want to shoot that second mount sometimes.
Bob: You know, I will be honest with you. It is always good bird hunters have as excuse. I lost him a little bit on that coming around that tree and then these two got my way and I had to catch up. Anyway…
Martin: Ladies and gentlemen, that is a short way of saying he missed the first shot. But he made up for it.
Bob: Beautiful point, Cecil. Martin. Take him, brother. We got some great low country action this morning. Even Drake is having a good time.
Martin: I hope you got that double on camera.
Bob: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Woohoo! Nicely don.
Martin: You kill the two?. You knocked two down, Bob.
Bob: Yes, sir.
Martin: I did, too. Double double.
Bob: That was a great Covey rise right there.
Martin: Yes, it was. Awesome.
Bob: All right, let us do it. There she is. There she is nasty one.
Martin: Yes, he has got out at the edge of the field.
Bob: Let me slide a little bit left. And Martin, I do not want you to claim handicap over there on the right now.
Martin: Well, I am shooting through all the brush and I will just so…
Bob: There you go. Take it. Nicely done, Martin. Nicely done. There she goes. [inaudible]. That is a girl. Yes, she is locked. Look at that in there. Yep. Whoo! Got two down.
Martin: Well, I miss my second one. I got the first one.
Bob: There is always one left. As our guide always says.
Martin: Oh, that was good little rise.
Bob: That was awesome right there now. Right here where they were supposed to be
[end of video]
Bob: Folks, when we come back. We are going to have another great recipe on the Sportsman’s Table this week.
Voiceover: The Sportsman’s Table is brought to you by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Whether you live in South Carolina or out-of-state, be sure to buy South Carolina grown meats, vegetables and fruits. Make sure your food is South Carolina-certified. It is a matter of taste.
Bob: Joining me today and downtown Florence at the City Center Market. Kitchen is Chef Johnathan Polson with Victors Restaurant,a mainstay, a landmark here in downtown Florence. Johnathan, I got to tell you. It is a pleasure to have you here as a guest chef on the show today. But I am really excited about the recipe. Tell us about that.
Johnathan Polson: Yeah, it is good to be here, Bob. Thank you for having us and thank you for showcasing Florence. We are going to go very, very, very simple peach cobbler for you, guys. Something anybody could do at home. Very simple ingredients, very easy procedure. What I am going to do is I have got about three cups chopped peaches. I am going to add those to the pan with about a tablespoon of butter.
Bob: Now, you know, I have to tell you, Johnathan, I have never believe I have ever seen a cobbler started in the frying pan.
Johnathan: Yeah, what we are going to do is we are going to try to get a little caramelization on these peaches real quick.
Bob: Okay. I got you.
Johnathan. We are actually going to then deglaze them with a little bit of bourbon once we get down.
Bob: I tell you. Whiskey is always good.
Johnathan: You cannot really go wrong with it. You cannot really go wrong.
Bob: There you go. Now, you, guys, you have this at Victors. You are a landmark. Okay, what? Twenty plus years in downtown Florence?
Johnathan: That is correct. We have been in Florence for about twenty years. We are currently located downtown Florence. We are in the lobby of Hotel Florence and we have been there about seven years now. It is nice to be downtown. It is nice to see the growth going on down here as well.
Bob: Yeah, man.
Johnathan: So once that butter kind of incorporates a little bit, we are going to add a few more ingredients. We are going to add some brown sugar. We are going to add a tablespoon of vanilla. we are going to add a pinch of salt.
Bob: I just got to have a little bitterness, too.
Johnathan: A little bit.
Bob: Now, folks, if you want a copy of Johnathan’s recipe and more about Victors, just log on to bobredfern.com and we will have it posted right there under the Sportsman’s Table. Oh man, I take it that there is folks love fresh peach cobbler.
Johnathan: Yeah, and it is a great mainstay here in South Carolina, you know. Technically we are not the peach state, but I think a lot of people in South Carolina including the Department of Agriculture would argue that. Maybe we are the peach state.
Bob: I think so. Okay, I think peach for peach. I think we produce more peaches than Georgia.
Johnathan: We do. We do.
Bob: Look at that. Oh, man. The Flames.
Johnathan: Yes, we are going to put a little bit of flame on there and be careful. You can se, almost burned myself even as experienced as I am. And what we are going to do is we are just going to let that simmer just a little bit just to cook some of the alcohol out of it. That way, you know, we know it is safe for your kids, safe for your granny. Everybody can have a little bit of it. It is going to be all right.
Bob: And I tell you what, on Johnathan’s behalf, okay, bourbon is for cooking, not for drinking. Okay? So just remember that.
Johnathan: We are just going to let that reduce down just a little bit. Once it reduces by about half and kind of makes a little syrup on it, we are going to cut it off and we are just going to let it cool for a minute while we mix up our cobbler batter. All right, Bob very simple cobbler recipe. This is basic one to one to one ratio. One cup flour, one cup sugar, and one cup of milk. We are going to add a little bit of melted butter in there because we are in south and everything needs butter.
Bob: Yeah, listen. It always gets better with butter.
Johnathan: Now, we are just going to whisk this up real lightly just to get some of the main lumps out of it. If it is a little lumpy still, it is not a big deal. And Bob, as I pour this over here, if you do not mind just grabbing each one and throw them in the oven for me.
Bob: Oh, I will do it.
Johnathan: We are going to cover them just to the rim of these little pans that I have here.
Bob: All right, I can do that in a heartbeat. That is something I could do. Now, I cannot cook, but I sure can eat and I can help. All right. That is awesome. Look at that. Now, how long are they going to stay in there?
Johnathan: They are going to go in for about twenty minutes or at least until the center is nice and firm. You just do not want it to be liquidy anymore.
Bob: All right, John. I will do my part here both.
Johnathan: Yes, sir. Go ahead and bring them over to the table for us. Everybody knows you cannot have cobbler, we will a little bit of ice cream over that. So we are going to finish these off just like that.
Bob: Yep. Got a little bit of that heat at the backdrop.
Johnathan: And right there, we have Bourbon Peach Cobbler a la Mode.
Bob: Delicious. Johnathan, thank you so much.
Johnathan: Yes, sir. It is a pleasure being here.
Bob: I really appreciate it so much and folks, listen. If you are in downtown Florence and the beautiful state of South Carolina, you want to test more of these great recipes. Come on down to downtown Florence here at the City Center Market. Victors will be right there and I tell you what, if you also want to check on what is fresh on the menu, log onto certifiedscgrown.com and see it for yourself. And we will be right back here again next week with another great recipe on the Sportsman’s Table.
Voiceover: To find out more information on food that is fresher and tastier go online at certifiedscgrown.com. Buy certified South Carolina grown products. It is a matter of taste.
Voiceover: Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by these following sponsors: Chevrolet, the official vehicle of Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine; by the South Carolina Agriculture Department – It is a matter of taste; by the Old 96 District of South Carolina – Come discover the unexpected wonders by South Carolina embroidery and screen printing. Your source for all your promotional product needs.; and by the City of Florence, South Carolina. Florence is full life, full forward.
Bob: All right. Hi Martin.
Martin: Let us see what we can do.
Bob: I am telling you. I think we are in, yeah.
Martin: Right here on this edge. They have been feeding in here this morning.
Bob: Yes, sir. I think we are wind and birds here. Yeah, she is close. I would doubt it. Let me slide left over here. I am going to get in the handicapped area, Martin. In the handicap area.
Martin: Whoa whoa!
Bob: There is one.
Martin: Nice single.
Bob: Where there is one, they got to be more. There is one. All right. I got a mark on. You may have to slide around that tree over there, Martin. Gotcha. I think, too. Okay, Drake, me and you are amongst the briars here.
Cecil: Everybody ready?
Bob: Yes, sir.
Cecil: Go on, Drake.
Bob: Nicely done, Martin. Nicely done.
Martin: I shot where it was, not where it was…
Bob: That was headed to a restaurant near you.
Cecil: There you go. There you go.
Bob: Got it. Man, that was a nice Covey rise right there now.
Martin: That was a good rush?
Bob: Yes, sir. Awesome.
Martin: I will try to get loaded up. Found them for I was ready.
Bob: I got two out of that one. You get one?
Martin: No, not on that one. I looked in the wrong way. I shot twice. Oh, I love shooting this brownie.
Bob: Got to be more. We are great go. Oh, there it go. Dale whoo. Wow. Wow, [inaudible] Wow. What a [inaudible].
Martin: I am working on it. I am good.
Bob: Down?
Martin: Cannot get the safety off of the kiln.
[end of video]
Bob: I hope you enjoyed our look back with Martin Eubanks. You know, Martin was a wonderful father, husband, grandfather and a true friend. I just thought this would be a fitting way to remember a man who I will personally Miss. I do hope you enjoyed our tribute to Martin Eubanks this week. Martin was a true outdoorsman who loved everything nature could offer. Whether it was on the water or in the woods, Martin always loved being out there. With over thirty years of dedicated service to the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, Martin will always be remembered as a friend of every farmer in South Carolina. I am glad we had this time to pay tribute to Martin and look back at what he enjoyed the most, the great outdoors. Remember, the outdoor is our passion. I want it to be yours, too. We will see you right back here again next week.