Tag Archives: Craig Price

Top 16 Fishing Destinations & Guides Show

Bob tells you about one of the most talked about items on the show’s website. It’s Bob’s Top 16, some of the best Fishing and Hunting guides and destinations in the United States. This week Bob features some special Fresh and Saltwater Fishing guides from his Top 16 list.

Services featured in this episode are Mattson Charter Service, Fish On!, Bass Fishing Charters with Capt. Mro., Lost Bay Fishing, Bandit Sport Fishing, Georgetown Coastal Adventures and Palmetto Lagoon Fishing.

Lake James Smallmouth Fishing

On this episode Bob goes smallmouth fishing in North Carolina with Captain Craig Price with Fish On Guide Services. They will be fishing Lake James which is located near Nebo, North Carolina. And on this weeks Sportsman’s Table recipe we feature a true Italian duck and pasta recipe for you duck hunters.

Capt. Craig is currently retired.
Fish On! Guide Service


Narrator: On this week’s Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine, Bob heads to North Carolina to smallmouth bass fish on Lake James. Joining Bob will be as go-to guide in the state of North Carolina, Captain Craig Price, with Fish On! Guide Service.

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Narrator: On this week’s Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine, Bob heads to North Carolina to smallmouth bass fish on Lake James. Joining Bob will be as go-to guide in the state of North Carolina, Captain Craig Price, with Fish On! Guide Service.

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Lake Wateree Stripers

Bob heads to Lake Wateree in South Carolina, for some late fall striper fishing. Joining Bob is guide Craig Price, from Fish On Guide Service!

Capt. Craig is currently retired.
Fish On! Guide Service

Full Transcript

[Host] On this weeks Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine.. Bob heads to Lake Wateree in South Carolina, for some late fall striper fishing. Joining Bob will be guide Craig Price, from fish on guide service! Plus on this weeks sportsmens table, we feature another South Carolina certified recipe from Deck 383 in Murell’s Inlet! All this and whole lot more! And it begins right now!

[Bob] Oooo weeee yes its been a great day!

[Bob] I shot this hard!

[Bob] Look at that, wow! Let me hold that thing!

[Hunting Partner] Nice!

[Bob] Oh Craig fish on brother fish on! Fish on, okay! Hoo! Ha ha! Wow! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mmm! Well folks listen welcome to our show this week! I tell you what its no joke, Okay, its November. We are in South Carolina on Lake Wateree, haven’t fished down here in well forever and I gotta tell you my good friend Craig Price with Fish On, he has brought us down here to catch some stripe and I will tell you! You know Craig? You know the odd thing about it? Look at there! Huh? Look at that thing! All right! Nice one, nice one! You know one of the great things, that folks really enjoy, is fishing in the fog.

[Craig] You’re really happy this morning!

Folks we left the house about five o’ clock this morning Craig wanted to get an early start okay. You know these fishing guides it’s their early bite, always okay. And we have been motoring in this fog this morning, I got you really kind of enjoying the trip! About 37 degrees when we started out! Mm oh its a..we’re good right here! Lookee here! Come here! Come here, come here! Come here, I’ve got you! Okay, okay, okay, I’m just gonna let you go! I’m just gonna let you go! You’re just going to get let go! Okay! All right! Oh man! What did you think?

It’s a start!

Yes sir it is! All right!

Man he eating that!

Mm hmm, man I tell you what, you know, these, the stripe down here have been running here what for about a month?



And really the fishing..you want to let him go?


Yeah let’s just let him go. Let somebody else catch him. Get in there buddy, get on in there. All right, they’ve been running well over a month down here schooling up so.. I have to tell you Wateree is a beautiful fishery really, it really is actually and you know where there was one there gotta be a lot more okay?

Well you can see it, it’s beautiful!

Yeah! Well you can see it! Well I know, Well I’m just kind of glad that the suns coming out and warming us up just a tan! Cause, its been a little bit brisk! Ha ha Haaaaaa!

Fish on Craig, fish on brother, Man oh man, ah mm mm mm mmm mmmmm…. Well the fogs hopefully getting out of here and you know how I say hope is never a method. But this morning that’s the best that we could do! I tell you what you talk about soup sandwich mm! Mm mm mmm! Ooooo hooo hooo! Oh!

Hopefully they couldn’t see any better than we can..


I don’t know! mmm!

That’s a better fish, man!

Oh that is! No sir, we don’t have nets on this boat!

No nets?

No sir! Oh yeah!

[Bob] I think I can get him hang on here. Oh yeah that is a little better fish. Come here homer, I tell you what you hold the rod and I’ll do the, I’ll do the honors! Come here, come on, ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! Come on, just hold on, I know I want to get you up here to show you off and we’re just going to let you go. Yeah we’re just going to let you go. Hang on. We’re just gonna let you go. Oh yeah! Nice fat striper right there! Oh yeah! Whoo hoo! Uh huh! Mmmmm!

Yeah! Wateree South Carolina folks, right here! Mmm! Water temperature about 58 I guess? That’s what it’s looking at. All right we’ll let you go! All right now!

[Bob] All right man let me get that one rod out the way! this is yours! All right, get him, get him, get him! Get him, get him, get him! Mm!

[Craig] I was just getting ready to run some..

I know you was!

Planer board out there!

Oh boy I tell you what, you know good thing is with a big hold like this the bait, the bait’s strong today!

Yeah yeah..

[Bob] You know?

Yeah yeah that makes it nice! I think oh no, it just came at me!

You get him? Try to get them other ones out the way?

Well let me see here..

[Bob] How many pulls you pulling these things?

Is that the freeline? Yeah I’m putting about twenty five, thirty pulls on that.

Are you Okay, way out there.

Get in on back! Oh wow! Uh!

Come here junior!

[Bob] Oh!

Okay slow down

[Bob] Yeah you getting him?

See if I could keep from sticking the hook in my hand.

All right get him. Here, I got the rod.

Usually when I get on TV I usually do at least one dumb thing!

Well not today!

Every time!

Man the fog just cleared, I mean you know.

Maybe that was my dumb thing for today!

Nah man I tell you what, you doing good bro! Doing good! Mmm hmmm! Now look, we’re gonna take just a second and tell everybody about your guide service okay? Cause, now folks you’ve seen Craig on the show over the last several years. He is a guide out of North Carolina and we fish a good bit up there with him. But he also brings his clients down here to South Carolina, to Lake Murray, to Lake Wateree.. Well, I’ll let you tell them the rest. Okay?

Yeah that’s right, I mean really Lake Wateree is a continuation of the Catawba River which I live on up at Lake Norman. And technically it is the Wateree River down here but it all flows into Santi Cooper and they’re just you know nutrient rich, bait rich lakes. And they grow lot of stripers down here and my customers enjoy coming down, fishing somewhere different and got a much higher creole down here. So, if they are inclined then put meat in the boat if not then we catch a lot of fish, release them and catch them again the next time!

But we love having you guys down here okay? And I tell you what, I really like this cause I’m only thirty minutes from my house! Oh man, all right lets get it back in the water! Mm!

[Host] Stay tuned, when we come back more striper fishing from Lake Wateree!

[Host] Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Life’s just better outdoors! Abu Garcia, Abu Garcia, for life! By Ranger Boats. Still building legends one at a time! By Browning Ammunition. Browning, the best there is! And by Southern Woods Plantation, voted as one of the top quail hunting destinations in America!

[Bob] We another one buddy! Oh yeah yeah!

[Craig] Plane her on board Bob!

Okay hahaha!

You got him?

I think so!

I don’t know if that board released I’ll have to get it loose..

That’s okay.

I’ll stop reeling, let me get up there. there we go, reel down. All right. Stay on?

[Bob] I think he did you know, he wasn’t one of the bigger ones we caught today but that’s okay, yeah you know? Now that the fog is cleared. Mm! All right we are just going to go let you take your picture.

[Craig] Well, oh, got another one on right!

All right get him, get him..

Aw, it came off

Oh no!

He broke, he broke the line.

Did he break.. Oh my goodness, that could have been the horse we were looking for!

That’s the guides fault!

Yeah right, I don’t think so though, I don’t think so. Now that ain’t a picture? Look at that, he wanted that gizzard shed big time huh he wanted big.. Gosh, that gizzard shed almost big as he was. Look at that folks, look at that!

[Craig] There’s some fish right here.

Yeah man, yeah there are, get on back in there! And I’ll let you have the gizzard shed. All right ah! Mm, there we go! Hoo hoo! You know folks I gotta tell you about what we’re fishing with today and I’m going to leave this one in here. This is the Shakespeare ugly stick striper rod matched with the striper special reel from Abu Garcia. Now I’ve got it wound with twenty pound Berkeley braid. And this is just a great combination, I tell you what! I’ll take it out of here, just gingerly. But this is a great rod, for doing exactly what we’re doing today. Okay, for the good folks at Pure Fishing, Abu Garcia the striper special and the ugly stick striper right here. I tell you what these are just awesome combination. Okay, all right Craig.

[Craig] Well, I don’t know if you can see this fish again but it’s certainly worth circling around here.

Plus they’ve been kind of up towards the top today.

Yeah, yeah.

You know this one interesting thing about down here and even some of the other South Carolina lakes is you know we’re out in the middle of the river channel but its still only thirty feet deep.

Yeah yeah I know.

Those fish will feed up in the upper part of the water column even under bright conditions.

[Bob] All right Craig, fish on! Hoo hoo hooo hoooo!

[Craig] There you go, finally got one on that damn rod!

Oh that damn rod, yeah man! Oh!

[Craig] Oh oh just had another bob on me!

Oh that striper special? Mm. Okay?

[Craig] Yeah that was a good little pot of fish right here.

Yeah, okay. Oh man, yeah..

[Craig] Oh yeah another, let me get in here..

There you go let me back up again, that’s good, okay.

[Craig] Come here buddy!

[Bob] Hoo hoo hoo! Uh!

[Craig] He ready on the hot rod!

[Bob] Okay!

[Craig] Easy

[Bob] Mm hmmm…. Well you know I tell you its just been kind of this side and then this side you know we’re lightly trawling here today folks I mean I’m moving.. I got the trawling motor set on about five, light and variable winds and really you know the conditions are just bright. Other than when we started earlier today this morning.

There you go!

Yeah man yeah! Other than when we started this morning gosh it was foggy you couldn’t even see two feet in front of yourself you know? But, I guess..

We do it again?

Yeah let’s get her re-baiting man! You know its just..and these are good quality fish, when you think about it Craig!

I’ll take them.

Yeah man. All day long! Huh! You know I’m so glad you talked me into coming fishing today, you know that?

Well its good to have options you know?

Always good to have options you know? Mmmm! Mm mm mmmmm! Planer board on the left, planer board on the right, drifters in the back and down rods in the front.

Yup, cause we originally talked about going small mouth fishing

I know!

And we’re going to do that!

And we are going to do that okay I could tell you. On a later episode we’re going to head up to Lake Lure, Lake James, this guys going to put us up on some small mouth up in North Carolina. So, you just like Paul though you do it all! Huh? Mmm mmm!

Yeah, its fun to break up the monotony of doing the same thing on the same lake all the time, you know?

Oh yeah yeah, yeah, well you know one of the great things you know I get a chance to course be in destination is our thing every week we get the chance to meet up with so many guides. And I have to say that on camera; one of the big true testaments of what our viewers watch is guides and they watch their body language and its one of those questions.. Can I fish with that guy on that boat all day long? And you’re one of those special guides okay? You just have a great demeanor, you’re very patient okay? Whether it’s..they want to bring their wives, they want to bring their kids. Whatever they’re bass fisherman, okay they’re bassholes? Hah? Man you’ll even fish them too so, just go to Bob stop sixteen and you’ll find Fish On’s guide service right there. Contact Craig and come on, I’ll tell you what. There is no telling where he’s going to take you fishing okay? Yeah!

[Host] Coming up next! We head to deck 383 in Murells Inlet for another great South Carolina certified recipe!

[Host] The Sportsman’s Table is brought to you by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture Whether you live in South Carolina or out of state be sure to buy South Carolina grown meats, vegetables and fruits! Make sure your food is South Carolina certified its a matter of taste!

[Bob] Folks welcome to this weeks edition of the Sportsman’s Table. We are here at Deck 383 on the beautiful Waccamaw river right in Murrells inlet and joining me today is my guest chef, is Tom Mellali. He is well I tell you what he is a chef instructor good friend of our shows and he always produces a great recipe! Right here at deck 383 here my friend!

[Chef Tom] Well Bob, how are you sir?

Well welcome back!

Thank you very much!

Okay what do you got for us this week?

Little fresh local Berkshire pork we’re going to go pork tenderloin today the Cadillac of the cut of meats on the pig.

Oh, okay.

And as you know us chefs have a deep respect for the pig.

Oh yeah!

We’re in the south you gotta go a little pig in your diet you know how that runs.

I know.

So no bland food allowed, we’re going to lightly season it with some salt and pepper.

Oh yeah.

Again, this is pork tenderloin, very tasty.

[Bob] Now, you know Tom I have to ask you is this something I know you do straight catering you do catering all around Murrell Beach.

I do, I do.

Is this kind of a staple dish that the folks like?

Yeah it’s extremely popular for sure and again it’s the best cut of the pork..

I got you.

So that, always popular goes well with many different items. You could change your starch up as you know, you could have roasted potatoes, rice, rissoto whatever your cravings happen to be that day. But always fresh and local, that’s how we roll.

There you go, how long will you gonna cook this bit?

We’re gonna sear all sides, it’s probably going to take about two to three minutes to sear all sides and then after that this is a little thicker cut. We are going to finish it off in the oven and then we will be ready to plate it up.


You want to get that nice golden dark brown in there. By searing meat it holds in the juices, it acts as an insulation so that the meat stays nice and tender for us.

[Chef Tom] Okay Bob, it look’s like it’s ready to go. Let’s start plating.

[Bob] MM man, pork tenderloin I tell you. You know, great cut of that, course you, you just know, just how to cut it too.

[Chef Tom] I do, I like going at an angle like this on a slight bias, it makes it a little bit easier to fan it. And me personally I don’t want my pork well done but then again we don’t want to have it mid rare as well. So I kind of like a little pink in my pork, like medium to mid-well. So it’s not dried, and this is some local rice we’re big on rice here in the south and I, I chopped a little fresh basil in there

[Bob] Oh wow!

And now we are going to fan our pork tenderloin.

[Bob] Mmm!

Again you can see just a little pink in there it’s a nice medium that’s definitely the way I like it so it stays nice and moist not too dry. And as you can see Bob the plate is starting to come alive. Got fresh and roasted red and yellow bell peppers, a little broccoli, porchini mushrooms and naturally the vegetable that is a little of a personal preference. You can change things up along the way, whatever tickles your fancy so to speak.

[Bob] Mmm!

It’s really coming alive and again the color of the vegetables I feel just really add to it. They.. eat with the eyes first so you want to have a nice beautiful plate presentation. This is a little red wine sauce, going to go really nice. We’re going to drizzle that right behind the pork. And as you can tell the plate starts to come alive, and that’s our finished product!

And that’s why you’re a chef huh?

That’s it, that’s it.

Tom thanks again for a great menu..

Thank you Bob

I, you know I tell you, its always awesome okay when you’re talking about certified SC grown okay? And folks you want some great items on the menu? Come on down to Waccamaw river right here at Deck 383, they got all the great things cooking right here for you. As well as all of the great certified SC grown produce that you can find all across the south and South Carolina. Well remember, log onto certifiedscgrown.com and see what’s fresh on your menu. And we’ll be right back here again next week with another great recipe on the Sportsman’s table.

[Host] To find out more information on food that’s fresher and tastier go online at certifiedscgrown.com Buy certified South Carolina grown products its a matter of taste!

[Host] Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by Chevrolet The official vehicle of Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine. By the South Carolina Agriculture Department Its a matter of taste! By Browning, Browning, the best there is! By South Carolina Embroidery and Screenprinting. And by the Wacca Wache Marina and Deck 383. Located on the Waccamaw river in Murells Inlet South Carolina.

[Bob] Fish on Craig, fish on buddy,

[Craig] Fish on!

Hoo hoo hoo! Oh yeah! Uh! You know I tell you what we’ve been having planer boards on both sides now.

[Craig] Yeah.

Look at that! Okay! Well maybe we’ll take them any way we can get them here. Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmmmm! Come on, come on up here!

Well Craig I have to ask you if folks want to come fishing with you now I can tell you folks log onto bobredfern.com go to Bob’s top sixteen. You’re going to find Craig and his guide service. Craig, if they want to get a hold of you tell them how they can do that.

It’s Fish On Guide Services Denver North Carolina fishonguideservices.com

Whoo hoo!


I’m telling you!

[Craig] Let me get that board loose and throw it.

[Bob] Okay, oh no he didn’t.

[Craig] Oh that might be a better fish.

He’s not bad.

He’s just sinching on the poles

Yeah he is not bad my friend look at that! Mmm! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmmm! And as I get this thing up here.. And folks I’d like to tell you you know as I always like to tell you every week the outdoors is truly my passion and I want it to be yours too. And as soon as I get this.. Oh yeah! Nice fish! Mmmmm!

[Craig] Oh I thought you was pulling on it.. I saw it jerk up and down.

[Bob] Yeah look at that Mmm mmmm uh!

Easy junior..

[Bob] That’s what I’m talking about gosh!

Easy junior…

[Bob] Although we are releasing these things okay? These make some nice eaters!

Oh yes.

[Bob] You know?

This is good eating size.

[Bob] Mmmm Hmmmm! Mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmmm! Ah get him up here bro get him up here! Oh boy! Again folks..


Oh! Oh the transfer made it come on!

The outdoors is our passion fish, okay!? great fishing is today! From Wateree South Carolina! Craig Price at Fish On Guide Service. Folks we’ll see you next week on another episode of Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine. We got time for more don’t we!?

Well oh why not?

Okay all right bro come on. Aaah haaa!

We won’t leave them biting..

Lake Norman Mixed Bag

Bob heads to Lake Norman in Charlotte, North Carolina for some fishing with Craig Price and Fish On! Guide Service. On The Sportsman’s Table, we feature a great salsa recipe featuring South Carolina certified strawberries.

Capt. Craig is currently retired.
Fish On! Guide Service

Full Transcript

[Announcer] On this week’s Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine, Bob heads to fish on Lake Norman in Charlotte, North Carolina. Joining Bob will be fishing guide Craig Price with Fish On! Guide service. And on this week’s sportsman’s table, we feature a great salsa recipe featuring South Carolina certified strawberries. It’s a full packed show this week, and it all starts right now.
[show open]
On, fish Craig.
Yeah, this is a little better fish.
[Craig] Come on now.
Yeah baby.
Got some stripes.
Woo hoo!
Folks welcome to our show this week. We are up on Lake Norman with my good friend Craig Price, of Fish On! Guide Service. We’re doing a little bit of hybrid striper fishing here this morning.
Got a special secret to show you, a new bait that he’s kinda discovered, him and some other friends of his up here on the lake. Now the last time we were on here, Craig, you know, we were up the river.
[Craig] That’s correct.
And now, we’re on the main lake.
Oh, mhmm, come on now.
Don’t, you better stay on there.
Don’t do that to me.
[Craig] Those drags are set pretty light if you feel like you need to–
Yeah, I don’t want him to get too far underneath the boat. There he comes, oh yeah.
[Craig] Oh it’s a big– –
[Bob] Oh my goodness. That things a huge catfish.
Big flathead.
[Bob] Okay, well we’ll take him.
[Craig] That’s why you couldn’t lift him on that rod.
[Bob] Oh man, look at that thing. Man.
That’s a nice one.
He inhaled that thing.
Like I said, ’cause catfish bite has just kinda started in the last couple of days.
Well he had some good pull and weight to him. Now listen, I tell you what, you know– – We’ll take him.
[Bob] Yeah, we’ll take him. That’s some good filets right there too. Mmmmm.
[Craig] Yeah, they don’t look like much, but they’re probably the best eating catfish-
[Bob] I’m telling you, they are.
Those are channels too. Look at him, man. Well, you know, when you bring your clients up here, we’re getting another hit on that other rod out there. I think you got another fish on it.
Yep, yep, fish on.
Get him, grab him.
I’ll take care of the catfish.
Lemme put this rod down a little bit.
I think it might .
[Bob] Folks, we’re gonna show you the rigs here
shortly as soon as Craig gets that in,
but– – I think that was a perch pecking on it.
[Bob] Was it, okay.
Yep, he followed it right up to the boat.
All right, well, yeah, he ain’t too bad.
Come on, you gon’ go back in the,
you go on back in the drink.
Here we go.
Yeah, okay, yeah, go on back to the hinterlands. But you know, you guys have kinda changed up, blue back herring, that’s always been kinda the mainstay when you’re hybrid and striper fishing.
But tell me a little bit about what you’ve discovered here we’re fishing this morning.
Well, a lot of people, you know, we’ve got two power plants with warm water discharges and they have community fishing areas where people that don’t have boats can go fish off the bank.
And people started using these muscles and the lakes are full of freshwater muscles and everybody’s known for a long time that the catfish eat ’em. But once the hybrids got established in here, we started getting reports that these people were catching a lotta hybrids.
Oh wow.
‘Cause they relate to that current– – Right.
When the discharge is coming out. And so actually a buddy of mine who’s fishing right behind us started using ’em some up in the river for catfish, and he started catching hybrids on ’em. And so, we all started experimenting with ’em and there’s some days they out fish live bait or cut bait 10 to one.
And, they just, I never really thought of ’em. You know, we’ve known– – Get that fish.
We’ve known– – There you go.
We’ve known that, you know, stripers would eat cut bait.
Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.
For many many years.
But the idea of using these muscles is just another another bullet in the in our arsenal.
Well, you know, as long as it catches fish, folks that come with you, they don’t care actually.
Well that’s right.
They just love reeling in fish.
There are people that may care, but– – You need the net?
For most people– – You got it?
Yeah, let’s go ahead and put him in the net. For most people it’s like golf.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, it’s not how it’s how many.
Exactly. Yeah, there you go.
[Craig] There’s a small hybrid.
Yeah. Listen, I tell you what, this time of year, we normally, it’s, it gets hot. But here for the past three weeks, I mean, we’re talking temperatures in the hundreds.
Yeah, that’s right.
So, folks, we’re out here this morning. Started temperature at about 83. Water temperature’s 83. Trying to get some of this cool weather in. But, you know, hopefully we’ll have what we need here and be off before it gets hot at noon.
That’s correct. You know the last time y’all were here we were eight or nine miles north of here up in the old river section.
Near I-40. And this is about a month later, almost exactly. And these fish have gone through their false spawning run, and now we’re on the north end of the main lake proper.
No, I’m fishing on credit.
And so they’re, they’re just kinda roaming the river channel.
We’re sitting on a main river hump– – Yeah.
With the river going down both sides. This is an extension of an island behind us. And these fish been here for going on two weeks and one day they eat the muscles real good one day they eat cut bait better one day they might eat live bait. So– – Well, tell all our viewers out there a little bit about Lake Norman. You know, we know we’re right in the middle of NASCAR country. A lotta of the rich and famous folks live here, have big homes up here. It’s kinda like Lake Murray in South Carolina. Of course you live on the lake as well. Is there a lot of boat traffic on this lake probably on the weekends?
Yeah, yeah, you know, we just had Memorial Day last weekend. So yeah, it’s, a lot worse on the weekends. But anytime during the summer after about 10 o’clock in the morning, you’re gon’ start getting pleasure boat traffic. And, you know, best thing to do, because of the heat and the boat traffic during the summer is get out here early catch ’em up–
And get on back to the house.
[Announcer] Stay tuned, when we come back from commercial break, we head back to Lake Norman for more fishing.
Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by Chevrolet, the official vehicle of Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine. By the South Carolina Agriculture Department, it’s a matter of taste. By Browning, Browning, the best there is. By South Carolina Embroidery and Screen printing. And by the Wacca Wache Marina and Deck 383 located on the Waccamaw River in Murrells Inlet South Carolina.
It’s taking us in.
You got him?
I think so.
Come on.
You’re handling that like a true pro man.
Well– – You want me to get that rod out of, well.
He’s in that green line but we’ll deal with that when we have to.
Mr. Whiskers.
Oh, man, man we coulda had a catfish fry.
[Craig] I’m telling ya. I’m telling ya. You wanna hold this rod for me, and I’ll see if I can handle him.
Get him out of there. Whiskers are hungry too.
Yeah, just get all wrapped up in that stuff. Actually you just unwrapped yourself, thank you.
[Bob] Oh, that’s a good thing, yeah. He knew what he was doing. Plus he knew you were on the other end of the line man. You take no prisoners.
There we go. Well–
Take no prisoners.
Like a box of chocolates.
That’s it. Spotted bass, hybrids, perch, man–
Flathead, blue cat, channel cat.
All right, man that’s some good filets right there.
All we need’s a garfish now.
Yeah, I’m telling you. Wow, mmm.
That’s a good eating size. Woo hoo.
All right. All right– – See if I can keep one on the hook.
All right, awesome, do it.
I’d throw that thing right back out there.
Do it.
I believe this might be Mr. Whiskers.
You think so?
Well I don’t know. He’s shaking his head a little bit now.
Yeah, I tell you what, I’ll switch with you. That seems to be the hole right over there.
Yeah it does. Nope, that’s a little striped fish.
Is it striped?
Yes sir.
Yes sir.
Need the net?
Why not.
Oh yeah, see. Man–
They’re frisky.
Yes sir. All right, there we go. Woo hoo. All right now, don’t be doing that,
nu uh. We’re just gonna take your picture, and we’re gonna let you go, I promise. I promise. Alright, there he is. Whoa, man, they get–
They’re frisky.
They wanna go, they wanna go.
It’s okay, but they wanna get you on the way out. There we go. There we go.
They don’t have much body mass, and they will flip around.
You oughta see– – They’ll make you pay too.
My thumb and fingers are cut all to pieces.
All right, man we’ve had a great morning so far. This is awesome. This is awesome. Listen, tell folks out there about Fish On! Guide Service. And you know, I know, folks you to to Bob’s Top 16, you’ll find Craig right there. But, you know, it’s not just Lake Norman. Lake James, Lake Hickory, I mean, name all the places that you take clients.
Well, all the Catawba lakes, starting up in the mountains, Lake James, Lake Rhodhiss, Lake Hickory, Lookout Shoals, Lake Norman. I don’t really fish Wiley much, but I do fish Walter Reed, Lake Murray– –
Get down to Clarks Hill some. And then I do some inshore saltwater at different times of the year. So, I live here on Norman, but I like to fish a lot of different places. Fish on. And, uh oh, he swam me right into a there’s some brush right here.
[Bob] You got it? You got it?
Well, I thought I had him. Somehow he got in the brush there. So, anyway, oh man, a monster perch.
Woo. Man, he even flipped us a bait.
How ’bout that? I ’bout got taken to school by a half pound perch. But our trips on these lakes are, I like to target stripers and hybrids. But as you can see from today, and even the last time you were here, we mix bags of stripers, hybrids, perch, catfish, bass, crappy.
And look, I mean you know, the thing about it is, most folks, they just rather than sitting in an office, they just wanna catch fish. They wanna reel stuff in, okay.
That’s right, that green, that line, that rod right there’s got a fish on it.
Is he playing with us?
All right.
Oh no, I ain’t gon’ let you have it Mr. Perch.
[Announcer] Coming up next, it’s time to head to the kitchen for a great South Carolina certified strawberry recipe.
The Sportsman’s Table is brought to you by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Whether you live in South Carolina or out of state, be sure to buy South Carolina grown meats, vegetables and fruits. Make sure your food is South Carolina certified. It’s a matter of taste.
Folks, welcome to this week’s edition of the Sportsman’s Table. Joining me is Chef Ed Dombrowski. He is the managing partner at Lee’s Farm right here in Murrells Inlet. I tell you what, great produce there. When you’re down here at Deck 383 at Murrells Inlet, you gotta stop over there and get some fresh produce and bring it on with you. Man, man it’s always a pleasure brother.
Excellent, thanks for having me again. Appreciate it.
What kind of food you got for us today?
Well, we’re gonna do some local stuff again. Everything we have here on the table we’re doing today is local. This is from Prestige Farm here in the area.
We’re gonna do some chicken breast. I’m gonna do a chili lime, bread it, and saute it in here. And then I’m gonna finish it off with, ’cause it’s summertime, and it’s strawberry season here in South Carolina. So I’ma do a strawberry balsamic salsa to go with it.
Oh wow.
Well man, let’s get on with this one. This is gon’ be awesome.
Okay, so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take our great chicken breast here.
[Ed] And we’re gonna throw it in to a little bit of flour batter here.
[Ed] And it’s got some chili lime spice in it. You could buy that in a grocery store, it’s pretty easy it’s just some chili powder and some dried lime.
I got ya.
[Ed] You gotta do it in the egg wash.
[Bob] Egg wash, oh yeah.
[Ed] Okay, and then after that, we’re gonna put it in a little Panko. I like the Panko ’cause it’s got, it gives it a little bit of a crunch.
Oh yeah, yeah.
You know.
I like crunch.
Oh yeah, nice. Plus, all that stays on there.
Yes, all stays on there.
[Eds] Looks really good. All right, now were gonna lay that into our pan. I added a little pecan oil in here ’cause you know the high heat and it doesn’t burn, has good heat point.
[Bob] Okay, so pecan oil’s kind of a secret.
Ah, wow.
[Ed] Anything like that. So we got that rolling.
Okay, in the meantime we’re gonna start making our salsa while that’s cooking, okay?
Oh wow, all right.
All right, it’s pretty simple. You know, when I do these dishes, they’re very simple dishes. I got some local heirloom tomatoes. These are actually, we grow in the back of the Farmer’s Market.
[Ed] Okay, so I quartered them. Then I took some fresh local strawberries that came from… Put those in there.
Oh wow.
[Ed] Okay, then we’re going to throw a little bit of cilantro.
[Bob] Oh you’ve gotta have that.
[Ed] Yeah, you got to. Definitely salt and pepper.
Oh wow.
[Ed] Some of best flavors for tomatoes is pepper, salt, balsamic vinegar. It’s phenomenal for strawberries and tomatoes.
Really, no kidding.
Yep. We’re gonna put some balsamic vinegar in there.
Okay. Yes, little bit of green onion, okay.
Then we’re gonna finish it off with a little bit of olive oil.
Oh wow.
Okay. Now what you wanna do is you wanna mix it around, cover it with plastic. Put in your refrigerator for about two hours so all the flavors meld together. That’s what you want. That’s gonna be the key to that salsa.
Okay, Ed, our chicken’s all ready to go.
That’s right. We’re gonna take it down, put it on the board. And we’re gonna cut it up, we’re gonna slice it.
Oh okay.
Okay. I like slice in it looks really nice on the table.
Presentation always.
Yep, all about presentation.
Wow, that’s so moist.
[Bob] You know a lot of times folks cook, especially poultry, they cook it too much.
Man does it taste like sawdust.
[Ed] Well, you know, that’s the thing. You know, a lot of people will overcook that.
Same thing with seafood. A lot of people do that with seafood, they just overcook it.
But you gotta have that moisture in it so you wanna
cook it to the right temperature every time.
Well folks, and if you want a copy of Ed’s recipe just long on to bobredfern.com and go right there.
All right, so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put that there, fan it out a little bit.
Okay. I’m gonna take a fresh avocado, who can’t, you want an avocado when you’re having
salsa, right?
[Bob] Oh there you go, gotta have.
[Ed] Gotta happen.
[Bob] Oh, wow, it don’t get no fresher than that.
[Ed] A little fresh avocado. Take that, put that over here.
Oh wow.
[Ed] And now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take our salsa, I love this stuff.
[Bob] Oh yeah.
[Ed] Put it on a plate there.
[Bob] Look at that.
[Ed] You want a lot extra, you throw some tortilla chips on that plate, finish it off,
Gotta have some lime.
Oh wow.
[Ed] Okay, I like to just hit everything with a little bit of lime.
[Bob] Yeah, here, lemme get this outta the way.
[Ed] Like that.
[Bob] There we go.
[Ed] Okay. Now, hit it with a little bit of cilantro.
Oh wow, mmm.
And a little bit more green pepper. And guess what else we need. How ’bout let’s put a little bit of rice.
Oh yeah.
This is some cilantro lime rice to go with it. That makes a great dish right there.
[Bob] There you go.
Buy and eat local, certifiedscgrown.com log on and see what’s fresh on the menu.
From Deck 383 restaurant here at Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.
We’ll be right back here again next week on another edition of the Sportsman’s Table. We’ll see you then.
[Announcer] To find out more information on food that’s fresher and tastier, go online at certifiedscgrown.com Buy certified South Carolina grown products, it’s a matter of taste.
Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine is being brought to you today by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Life’s just better outdoors. By Shakespeare’s Ugly Stik GX2 rod, Ugly Stik, America’s strongest most sensitive rod. By Ranger Boats, still building legends one at a time. By Browning ammunition, Browning, the best there is. And by Southern Woods Plantation, voted as one of the top quail hunting destinations in America.
There he goes, yeah man, another hybrid. Nice one.
All right.
Yeah man, I caught him on the new Abu Garcia Vendetta. Woo, with the new X30.
I think I’m blocking the– – 14 pound nano fill, clear miss. There we go, yeah.
All right.
Another good, whoops I’m sorry.
That’s all right. He’s in the net.
We get one next, we get stuck. Stay on the hook.
I think this might be our hybrid we’re looking for. He moved, this one, – He’s running.
He’s moving too fast–
Yeah, he’s running pretty fast.
He’s moving too fast for a catfish.
That’s what we were looking for.
[Bob] There we go. Okay, all right.
My net don’t come apart on us.
I got you. There we go. Yeah man.
[Craig] And it finally get a bite and he swallowed it.
[Bob] Yes he did.
[Craig] You wanna hold him out there so he doesn’t bleed all over the boat.
[Bob] I got it, I got it. Go ahead, you just wanna cut him loose?
[Craig] Yep, yep.
All right, next time. Done gone. That’s a nice fish.
A little more heft to it. Let’s swap here.
All right. Let’s dance.
Why not? I just wanna get back on your spot over here.
I’m telling you I keep throwing to that same hole. This one, I don’t know whether that’s, yeah, that’s a hybrid. Whew, well folks as I’m bringing this fish in, we have enjoyed fishing here on Lake Norman this morning with my good friend and our go to guide this morning Craig Price with Fish On! Guide Service. Again, go to Bob’s Top 16 and you’ll find Craig right there. Book a trip, and you can come up here and catch some hybrids on Lake Norman. I tell you what, this lake is not just for the rich and famous, huh? Man, everybody likes ’em. But, as we like to say each and every week here on Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine, the outdoors is my passion. I want it to be yours too. We’ll see you right back here again next week on another great episode. All right Craig, I’m gonna let this one go.