Category Archives: Featured Stories

South Dakota Pheasants at White Lake Hunting Lodge

Male Pheasant - Photo Credit: HVargasThis week Bob is weathering the elements in South Dakota doing what he enjoys in the fall. Upland Bird South Dakota is the experience of a lifetime, and really like to upland bird hunt this is the place for you. Wide open spaces and pheasant hunting is what it’s all about.

Once you arrive at the lodge in beautiful South Dakota you’ll never want to go home! Bob is joined by the owner Larry Smith who has owned White Lake Hunting Lodge for over 20 years. Stay tuned for some great pheasant hunting action because this is a show you won’t want to miss!

Alabama Governor’s One Shot Invitational Turkey Hunt

alabamaturkeyhuntThis week Bob is in Prattville, Alabama attending the annual Alabama One Shot Turkey hunt. Bob will be hunting with Scott Drummond of Selma and they’ll both be trying to bag a big Alabama long beard. He will also catch up with special guest and long-time friend, Dan Moultrie. Don’t miss a second of the action on this weeks program.

IFA Red Fish Tournament in Georgetown, SC

10550950_10152532274580865_9128922378873773930_nThis week Bob is joined by his longtime friend and saltwater guide Capt. Tommy Scarborough and they will be entered into the 2014 IFA Red Fish Tour Tournament. Tournament fishing can be rewarding or a bust, especially when you are fishing in your home waters…. This is a show you must see: Did Bob and Tommy place in the money or leave empty-handed?

Summertime Sporting Clays with The NWTF at Backwoods Quail Club in Georgetown, SC

PrintThis week join Bob and a group of NWTF members for “The Heat is On Sporting Clays Classic”, an annual event at Backwoods Quail Club in Georgetown, SC. We’ll also feature the new Browning Citori 725 Sporting 12 gauge shotgun and shoot with some very special guests in the hot summer heat of South Carolina. You won’t want to miss some really fun sporting clays action as we look to support the National Wild Turkey Federation!

Bobwhite Hunting “Southern Style” in South Georgia at Red Pebble Plantation

Red Pebble QuailOur show this week highlights one of the south’s finest quail plantations at our Chevy Destination: Rebecca, Georgia. Bob is joined by Red Pebble Plantation owner, Frank McGarr and hunting behind some of the finest English Setters and Pointers in the country and doing what they both love to do in the south, traditional wing shooting. Red Pebble features a 7000 square foot lodge on over 3000 acres of upland bird habitat. Don’t miss this show if you love upland bird hunting.

Trophy Reds on Lake Pontchartrain – Chevy’s Destination of the Week

Lake PontchartrainBob is in The Bayou State this week fishing with Captain Mike Gallo of Angling Adventures of Louisiana. They’ll be fishing Lake Pontchartrain, a nationally known estuary for large trout and the Redfish capital of the world! Bob is on the hunt for trophy Redfish and trying out a few new techniques to land the big ones, so stay tuned to see how he gets it done. This show is guaranteed to get you pumped to take a Redfishing trip to Louisiana! We’re also cooking up some Certified South Carolina Shrimp & Tuna in the kitchen with Chef Tom Mullally!

Browning Presents – Sporting Clays & Fun on the Range

Pinehurst NC Google EarthPinehurst, NC (March 17, 2014) – This week Bob joins Rick Mitchell, one of the best shooting instructors on the East Coast in Pine Hurst, North Carolina.  Going to the range and powdering clay targets is one of the best ways to keep your shotgun skills sharp and a great way to enjoy shooting with friends and family. Tune in and pick up some awesome shooting tips and a great new recipe from the Sportsman’s Table. If you love to shooting clays and great food, this a show you will really enjoy so don’t miss it!!

Double Trouble—Spring Gobblers

Spring GobblersSpring turkey season can be a blessing or a curse…. As everyone knows hunting the eastern wild turkey can be a frustrating and/or rewarding experience. This week Bob is joined by Scott Rhodes from Oak Grove Plantation in Brunson, South Carolina, Scott will do his best to put Bob in the right spot to bag a southern spring gobbler. See if Bob can make it happen…..or not!