This week Bob joins up with Terry Labonte for a awesome duck hunt that you won’t want to miss! We’ll also show you a great recipe for some of that venison backstrap left over from deer season!
Tag Archives: Buchanan Shoals
Buchanan Shoals Quail
This week, Bob is back at Buchanan Shoals on an amazing quail hunt. If you’re an avid sportsman and want to enjoy quail, whitetail, dove, turkey or waterfowl – Buchanan Shoals has it all! Don’t miss this episode!
Ducks Gone Wild In North Carolina

Bob is hunting quail and mallard ducks this week at Buchanan Shoals near Wadesboro, North Carolina. Buchanan Shoals is a hunter’s paradise for those folks that like to quail & duck hunt, fish and hunt for wild hogs, deer and turkey. Bob’s wingmen this week is some of his closest friends from Chevrolet…….This is a show that has it all!
Southern Quail with Pennington Seed
This week Bob is joined by two Georgia Outdoorsmen, Ronnie Stapp and Burton Hacker of Pennington Seed. Wildlife habitat and coveys of quail will be the focus of the show this week. Bob will have the chance to discuss their love for hunting and the outdoors as well as how important habitat, hunting and outdoor sports is to our future. A show you will surely enjoy.
North Carolina Quail at Buchanan Shoals

Bob is hunting quail this week at Buchanan Shoals near Wadesboro, North Carolina. Buchanan Shoals is a hunter’s paradise for those folks that like to quail hunt, fish and hunt for wild hogs. Bob’s host and wingman this week is Jason Kiker, the owner and developer of the 5500 acre hunting resort property. This is a show you will not want to miss!
Buchanan Shoals occupies 5,300 acres in southern Anson and Richmond Counties, NC as well as Chesterfield County, SC. The property is located on the Great Pee Dee River, with over 7 miles of frontage on the river.
Buchanan Shoals is a collage of pine uplands, young pine plantations, upland hardwood glades, bottomland hardwood forests, and open broomstraw fields. These distinctive habitat conditions offer hunting for all major wildlife species in the south including: waterfowl, trophy whitetail deer, turkey, quail, and dove.