ICI Student Matthew Southern demonstrates a red snapper recipe.
Author Archives: BROM
Tennessee Pheasant Hunting
Bob takes his new Beretta Shotguns to test in the field for some pheasant hunting.
Loaded Deviled Eggs | The Sportsman’s Table
Beretta Firearms Tour
Go inside Beretta USA Factory plus see the new Beretta Shotguns on the shooting range.
Crab Cakes | The Sportsman’s Table
Chicken Chardonnay | The Sportsman’s Table
South Carolina Dove Hunt
This week Bob heads to Estill, South Carolina for the 38th Annual Governor’s Dove Shoot.
Grouper with Sweet Potatoes | The Sportsman’s Table
Frank’s Restaurant Executive Chef cooks up some grouper with sweet potatoes.
Tribute to Cale Yarborough
Bob takes you back to a quail hunt from 2009 with NASCAR legend Cale Yarborough. Along on the trip is Bobby Richardson, Baseball Hall of Famer.